Why is the Bible translated?

By Nancy Ruth / September 30, 2015 /

Today is Bible Translation Day. Have you ever thought about how blessed we are to have the Bible in a language we can read and understand? To learn more about modern Bible translation, see this slideshow by Wycliffe. The Old Testament was originally written in Hebrew and Aramaic. It looks like this: The New Testament…

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Bible Translation Lesson for Kids

By Nancy Ruth / September 25, 2015 /

How many people have a Bible they can read? What are other cultures like? What are some prayer reminders you can make for kids around the world?

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What Does “Honor” Mean?

By Nancy Ruth / September 16, 2015 /

In Sunday school lately, we’ve been talking about honor. We hear that word a lot, but do we really know what it means? Let’s look at some of the ways the word honor is used. Honor means to respect and obey. “Honor your father and mother…” (Exodus 20:12). In this case, honor means to respect and obey.…

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The Freedom to Practice My Religion

By Nancy Ruth / September 14, 2015 /

Happy Constitution Week! Americans and others around the world may ask: How do I live for Christ and still respect the government leaders in charge? The Bill of Rights is the first ten amendments of the constitution of the United States of America. These amendments were adopted at the same time the constitution was ratified…

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Are They Really Bible “Stories”?

By Nancy Ruth / September 9, 2015 /

A few weeks ago, I helped my sister decorate her public school classroom. Each year, her school picks a fun theme that the teachers use to decorate their rooms, doors, and hallways. It is so much fun walking the hallways just before school starts to see what each teacher has done. As part of this…

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Why Do We Go To Church?

By Nancy Ruth / August 31, 2015 /

Have you ever wondered what makes church so important? Why do we go to church? The church is God’s family. What are some things your family likes to do together? Do you eat together? What are some things you do together? Do you know each other pretty well? Why do you think that may be?…

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Is Sunday Worship Really Important?

By Nancy Ruth / August 26, 2015 /

The fact is that too many kids graduate from high school and leave the church. It seems like ages from now, but did you know there are things you can begin doing now that will help your child transition to plugging in to church when he or she is off on his or her own?…

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How to Serve God In Hard Places

By Nancy Ruth / August 21, 2015 /

We all have things we don’t like and things we’d rather not do. I bet you are already thinking of at least one right now. An idiom describes really hard situations like these as being “between a rock and a hard place.” Can you relate to that feeling? We all face things like this in…

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GUEST VIDEO: 7 Steps to Discipling Children

By Nancy Ruth / August 14, 2015 /

Can God really use kids to make a difference? What you see may shock you! In this video, Clint May, an old friend and the founder of Leaders In Training, shares 7 Steps to Discipling Children. It takes parents and the church working together. You don’t need to be part of L.I.T. to do these…

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What does “intercession” mean?

By Nancy Ruth / August 12, 2015 /

What does “intercession” mean? How do you pray for other people? Let’s take a look. “Theology for Kids.” What does that mean? Theology is simply a big word meaning “the study of God.” You don’t have to wait until you are a teenager or an adult to start learning about God. Pastors and others who…

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