When “God Our Father” Is A Bad Thing

By Nancy Ruth / June 22, 2023 /

This month we’re celebrating Father’s Day. I grew up with a loving, supportive, godly dad, so I look forward to telling him (again) how much he means to me. That’s not true for everyone. As I grew up and encountered more of the world, I discovered some troubling things. One of those was valid reasons…

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How to forgive when it’s hard

By Roger Bailey / May 25, 2023 /

Everyone will occasionally have sinful thoughts and actions during their Christian walk. Sometimes the most challenging sinful thoughts come when someone else sins against us. Forgiveness can be hard. Sometimes it seems impossible. How do we forgive others when they don’t deserve it? A good example is when the Apostle Peter denied Jesus during His…

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Encouragement Through Hard Times

By Roger Bailey / November 24, 2022 /

“Grace, mercy, and peace from God the Father and Christ Jesus our Lord.”  (2 Tim 1:2 NIV) Just as the Apostle Paul wrote this encouraging prayer to Timothy, it is my prayer for all who read this blog.  This short prayer is also presented at the beginning of many of the epistles.  Grace is receiving…

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Blessings from God in the Face of Coronavirus

By Nancy Ruth / April 13, 2020 /

Roger Bailey is sharing today from his heart as the world faces this coronavirus pandemic. Next week we will resume our series of preview lessons from the family devotional Why Do Bad Things Happen? (No affiliate links are used below.) These are weird times with the coronavirus pandemic affecting all our lives/activities.  I’d like to…

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Kids & Grief

By Nancy Ruth / September 30, 2019 /

This has been a season of loss in my small-town community. In the last 3 or 4 weeks, there has been two teen suicides, one gun threat at the high school, another suicide of a 41-year-old with children, accidental death of an 8-year-old, and the death of my 93-year-old neighbor and friend. I know that…

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How do you worship God in the storms of life?

By Nancy Ruth / February 4, 2019 /

I had some shocking news this week. I won’t go into the details, but I am having a hard time believing that it is real. For one thing, I don’t understand the why behind it. This isn’t the first time I’ve faced a great shock in life and I’m sure it won’t be the last.…

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“The church is full of hypocrites!”

By Nancy Ruth / April 29, 2018 /

“The church is full of hypocrites!” How would you answer someone (or yourself) in the face of this objection? The same objection may be voiced a number of ways. “I like Jesus, just not the church. It’s full of hypocrites.” “I can be a Christian and live for Christ without attending a church. It’s only…

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The Danger of Good Friday Suspense

By Nancy Ruth / March 19, 2018 /

The true story of one traumatized little girl led me to reevaluate the way I teach and celebrate the events of Easter. Next week is Holy Week where churches around the world will be remembering Palm Sunday, the Last Supper, the Garden of Gethsemane, Jesus’ trial, His crucifixion, and the joy of Resurrection Sunday. This…

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Do thoughts and prayers work?

By Nancy Ruth / February 19, 2018 /

When tragedy strikes, we want to show love to those affected. Do “thoughts and prayers” help? If you haven’t heard, this past Wednesday afternoon a student opened fire at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida. (Learn more here about what happened.) This terrible tragedy has left many people asking: Do thoughts and prayers…

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Faith In Hard Times, Part 2

By Roger Bailey / October 9, 2017 /

Listening to Dr. Charles Stanley’s daily devotionals this past spring, has reminded me of my late daughter’s powerful testimony during her last few months of life here on earth. Last week we looked at how to have peace in hard times. The second series of devotionals made me think about my dark times during Ronna’s…

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