Parent Road Ministries provides practical resources to equip parents to biblically disciple their children. Along the way, we’ll lay a foundation of apologetics, preparing kids to have conversations with those who don’t believe.

Our Story


Nancy Ruth accepted Christ at an early age. She has served in children’s ministry since she was thirteen (1992), both on staff and as a volunteer, in seven states and four denominations. She went to seminary to try to understand the hard things in Scripture so she could better explain them to children. She received a master of divinity (basic pastor’s degree) with biblical languages in 2007 and a master in apologetics (explaining and defending what Christians believe) in 2019. Nancy Ruth’s world fell apart when her sister died in 2003. She discovered that Jesus is the only firm foundation. Now Nancy Ruth writes family Bible studies, teaches on YouTube, runs Parent Road Ministries, and disciples kids at her church. Nancy Ruth loves to garden and read. Learn more about Nancy Ruth here.

Parent Road Ministries was born out of Nancy Ruth’s work as a children’s minister. Families asked her for recommendations for family Bible studies. All she could find were storybook Bibles for babies and new Christian materials. She knew more was needed. Nancy Ruth also saw children being challenged for their faith in Christ at shockingly young ages. She knew they needed an earlier start in understanding that Christianity is not about blind faith. It's about faith that rests on a solid and logical foundation. God laid it on Nancy Ruth's heart to write family Bible studies that meet these needs. When she shared the idea of this ministry with her parents, they asked to be part of it. Thus, Parent Road Ministries was born. We don't know what day in 2013 it started, so we celebrate on June 10, Nancy Ruth's grandmother's birthday. She was a godly woman who would have loved Parent Road Ministries.


Roger Bailey is Nancy Ruth’s dad. He grew up in rural South Dakota, living without electricity until he was about eight. He accepted Christ at the age of twelve. Roger learned to rely on Christ in a new way during his time in the military. He then worked for over forty years in the electrical engineering field. Roger has always been committed to life-long learning. He earned a master's in electrical engineering in 1969. Since then, he's continued to study the Bible, theology, and business skills. He and his late wife, Mary, made church and discipleship a priority in raising their four girls. They had been married forty-six years when Mary passed away. Now Roger continues his life-long calling to serve in the church, share the gospel, and live for Jesus. Roger loves dad jokes. Learn more about Roger here.

Mary Bailey was Nancy Ruth's mom and Roger's wife. She was the daughter of a traveling preacher and church planter. Mary accepted Christ at the age of eight and exuded her love of the Lord in all she did. She modeled daily Bible study, praying in all circumstances, worship through song, and searching the Scriptures for the answers to life's questions. Mary earned a master's in music while raising her two older daughters. Two more daughters were born later in life. Through the years, Mary taught piano and voice lessons, elementary music, and served in church music ministry. She loved her husband and family deeply and always wanted God's best for them. Mary had a song for everything. The Lord called Mary home in 2016.

Roger & Mary & family

Our Values

Parent Road Ministries is non-denominational. Download our statement of beliefs.

  • God’s Word
  • The Gospel
  • Surrender
  • “Go and Do” (living for Jesus)
  • Deut. 6:5-7 “Love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commands that I give you today are to be upon your hearts. Impress them on [teach them to] your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road [ Parent Road ], when you lie down and when you get up.”
  • Role Models (discipleship)
  • No Age Limits
  • Encouragement
  • The Heart - Loving God with all of you, abiding in Christ, and allowing the Holy Spirit to make you more like Jesus.
  • Family
  • Life-long learning
  • Evaluation: What's working? What's not? What can you do differently next time through the power of the Holy Spirit?

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