I was talking to some ladies at church the other day who are reading through the Bible in chronological order. They’re in Job and find it hard to read, especially since Job’s friends insist he brought the trouble upon himself because of some hidden sin. I agree that it can be hard to read, but…
Read MoreAre you familiar with the P.R.A.Y. acrostic? It’s a simple way to learn how to pray. I didn’t make it up, and I’m not sure who did, but I use this tool frequently. Too often, our prayers become like letters to Santa Claus. I want this and this and this and this. God is not…
Read MoreIn light of the current Coronavirus crisis, we’ve decided to release excerpts from the as-yet-unpublished book Why Do Bad Things Happen? A Devotional for Busy Families. This book will not be released until later this year, but we felt families could use these lessons to talk with their kids about what is happening now. Join…
Read MoreI don’t know if people are doing this where you live, but I’m seeing a lot of posts on Facebook choosing one word to characterize a person’s New Year’s resolutions moving into 2020. I’ve seen words like “strength,” “forgiveness,” “joy,” etc. Comment below and let me know what your word for this year will be.…
Read MoreCan you spot a modern-day Pharisee? How do you know if you are one yourself? I recently read a very interesting book by Timothy Keller called The Reason for God: Belief in an Age of Skepticism (not an affiliate link). I admire the way Keller speaks like a normal person, not a hyper-educated scholar. He…
Read MoreIf you were completely honest, how would you rank your current prayer life? Non-existent? Mediocre? Ok? Strong? Or vibrant? I doubt many of us (including me) would rate ourselves as having a “vibrant” prayer life. What does the Bible say about prayer? Is an “ok” prayer life really ok? Colossians 4:2 (NASB) 2 Devote yourselves to…
Read MoreHappy New Year! Today’s blog will be rather short, but I pray it’s one you’ll think about for much longer. Around New Year’s it’s common to think about where we’ve been and where we’re going. Here is a free a New Year’s resolution prayer for kids which does just that. Today though, let’s put a…
Read MoreWhat drove Nancy Ruth to write this book? How does it work? Today’s blog answers these questions. Praying Scripture We know we should read the Scriptures (Ps 1:1-2; Matt 4:4; 2 Tim 3:16-17; Rev 1:3), but have you ever prayed God’s Word back to Him? Many of the Psalms are songs of prayer written to…
Read MoreWorship. You hear that word thrown around a lot at church. There’s the “worship service,” the “worship center,” “worship music,” “praise and worship,” and probably a few I forgot. I get it. Worship is important. But what is worship exactly? Is it more than singing a few Christian songs? (Yes.) Are we worshiping things other…
Read MoreIs your life as crazy as mine? There always seems to be something out of the ordinary going on. Sometimes I feel like it’s all I can do to keep my head above water. It’s at times like this I am reminded of my desperate need to spend time in the presence of God. One…
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