Questions about what we teach and believe
Discipleship is bringing someone along with you as you live for the Lord. Jesus (who is God) described discipleship as “teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you” (Matthew 28:18-20). That means learning to love God with all of your heart, mind, and actions and your neighbor as yourself (Matthew 22:37-40).
How do you do all that? You do it by studying the Bible together, praying together, working through tough questions, serving together, living for Jesus as a part of everyday life, and loving other people.
How do I start?
We recommend starting in prayer. Pray for God to work in your life and in your family’s lives. Ask Him to show you how to best disciple your children. Then look for ways to study the Bible as a family.
Learn here what makes our family devotionals unique.
Not at all! There are no age limits in the Bible. The Holy Spirit lives within every believer, no matter their age. ALL Christians (believers, Christ-followers) all called to grow in Christ, share the Gospel, use their spiritual gifts, and love other people.
When kids are discipled and taught to love God with all of their heart, mind, and actions, God uses them for great things! Read testimonies about the impact of discipling kids on this website. It starts by studying God’s Word together and putting it into practice.
“Apologetics” does not mean “to apologize,” though they come from the same root word. Rather than making excuses or saying “sorry” (as in apology), apologetics is a logical defense of a belief or position.
This is very important for Christians today, especially children. Why do we believe what we do? Others will ask or challenge at some point in our life, so we need to be ready to give an answer (1 Peter 3:15). This is why our family Bible studies include a lot of apologetics for kids. I know of a kindergartener and a young first grader who were challenged with stanch opposition by a friend or young cousin insisting there is no God. Will your child be ready to meet such opposition?
Learn more about our family Bible studies which incorporate apologetics for kids.
Theology is simply the study of God and questions of faith. These are things taught even in preschool Sunday school, though the kids (and the teacher) may not know it by the name of “theology.”
Unfortunately for kids, pastors, teachers, and Bible scholars use lots of big words to describe God and the things the Bible teaches. The Bible itself uses a lot of big words (1 Peter 3:16).
When we say we teach “theology for kids” in our Bible studies, we simply mean that we don’t shy away from difficult words and concepts. Rather, we break them down into more kid-friendly, understandable language.
A worldview is like a pair of glasses used to make sense of the world and relationships around us. It includes your sense of style, preferences, how you handle confrontation, and numerous other things. Learn more in this blog post.
Everyone has a worldview, but not everyone’s worldview matches what the Bible says. Does yours? Children begin developing their worldview well before they start school. What worldview are your children developing? Is it biblical?
Kids, teens, parents, grandparents, and family leaders can start studying a biblical worldview together today with one of our Devotionals for Busy Families. Learn more here.
Parent Road Ministries is not affiliated with any particular denomination. We teach God’s Word, the Bible, as the source and standard of truth.
You will have to make up your own mind on that. I can tell you that these are non-denominational family studies that teach God’s Word, the Bible, as the source and standard of truth. We also teach that because God loves us, we in turn should love others with His great love. We demonstrate this by our words and actions. Learn more about our family Bible studies.
Questions about the families we reach
No problem! We make a point to explain in everyday English the big words and concepts that the Bible (and some pastors) throw around.
The Devotional for Busy Families write out all the Bible verses and include basic tips on how to look up any extra verses. The Small Group Guides do the same thing.
Be sure to check out the footnotes which explain things that may be new to you.
My family has been studying the Bible for a long time. Will these studies simply rehash what we already know?
You may find a little repetition (which is good for kids), but this study goes deeper than most Bible studies designed for children. It is designed to equip kids to stand strong for Christ and live for Him in a world that increasingly does not understand or tolerate those sold out to follow Christ alone. Be sure to check out the “Want More” boxes and optional studies in the Devotional for Busy Families. You might also consider using the Small-Group Guide for additional material.
As a homeschooling mom or dad, you know the importance of teaching and discipling your children. The problem for any teacher comes in trying to transfer head knowledge into heart knowledge. How do you help children learn to love God’s Word, live it out, and desire to live for Christ every day? Is fact-learning Bible curriculum enough?
Parent Road Ministries has designed several tools to help parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, caregivers, and anyone who loves children to disciple and study God’s Word with the kids in your care.
Not at all. Families today come in all different shapes and sizes and we are sensitive to that. Whether you’re a parent, step-parent, grandparent, foster parent, aunt, uncle, or friend, you can make an eternal impact in the life of a child by intentionally teaching God’s Word, the Bible, to the next generation.
“Only be careful, and watch yourselves closely so that you do not forget the things your eyes have seen or let them fade from your heart as long as you live. Teach them to your children and to their children after them.” Deuteronomy 4:9 (NIV)
Families today come in all shapes and sizes, made up of those who love and care for us. God’s perfect design for the family reflects His relationship with the church: “For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and they will become one flesh” (Genesis 2:24, NIV; see further Ephesians 5:25-33; Isaiah 62:5). In the variety of families we see today, many still love and care for each other, but a great number do not match the picture God designed to reflect His relationship with His church. Parents, grandparents, and caregivers want the best for their children as they grow and start their own families. Shouldn’t this be God’s best?
For more about what we teach regarding same-sex marriage, see this blog post.
Questions about small groups
Yes. The Small Group Guide is designed to work for multi-generational, children’s, teenage, or adult small groups, including Sunday School class formats.
See more about how these small-group Bible studies work here.
That’s really best, especially if you are also using the Devotional for Busy Families, but if you need to adapt these materials to go at a slower pace, go for it! The idea is simply to develop a habit of regular family Bible study.
See more about how these small-group Bible studies work here.
Only two or more families make a small group. This curriculum also works for one-on-one discipleship, though it is originally designed to use with families.
Your small group can meet with your kids or without them. Your kids could even have their own group if you like. The materials for adults only, kids only, and mixed families are all provided in the same book.
See more about how these small-group Bible studies work here.
Not for our studies. The Small Group Guide is designed for anyone wanting to gather friends together to discuss what they are learning with their families just as much as it could be used by seasoned teachers. It even includes Teaching Tips.
See more about how these small-group Bible studies work here.
Families learning together sounds wonderful! Yes, use Part 1 of the Small-Group Guide for use with multi-generational groups.
See more about how these small-group Bible studies work here.
Questions about the Parent Road Ministries Team
All members of the Parent Road Ministries team attend and serve in Bible-believing churches. Because we write non-denominational Bible studies, we don’t feel the need to be more specific. For a list of churches Nancy Ruth has served in the past, see her LinkedIn profile.
- Learn more about the Parent Road Ministries team here.
- Here are some family Bible study books and resources by Nancy.
- Click here to read some of Nancy’s blogs
Parent Road Ministries writes non-denominational Bible studies for busy families. This page is simply designed to answer questions about some religious training members of the Parent Road Ministries family have had. To learn more about what Parent Road Ministries teaches and believes, please click here.
What is Lutheran Confirmation Class?
Lutheran confirmation class is a two- or three-year study for sixth through ninth graders (and sometimes adults). Participants study God’s Word using Luther’s Small Catechism as their guide. Students study and memorize key Bible verses and explanations for major components of the faith:
- Ten Commandments
- the Apostles’ Creed
- the Lord’s Prayer
- the Sacrament of Holy Baptism
- the Office of the Keys [Matthew 16:19] and Confession
- the Sacrament of the Eucharist [a.k.a. communion or the Lord’s Supper]
This study also examines how Lutheran beliefs are similar to or different from other Christian denominations.
This time of study is followed by a public confirmation (profession of faith) and first communion. Following this confirmation, class participants are considered full, adult members of the church.
Luther’s Small Catechism explains, “Confirmation is a public rite of the Church preceded by a period of instruction designed to help baptized Christians identify with the life and mission of the Christian community. Note: Prior to admission to the Eucharist [a.k.a. communion or the Lord’s Supper], it is necessary to be instructed in the Christian faith (1 Cor. 11:28). The rite of confirmation provides an opportunity for the individual Christian, relying on God’s promise given in Holy Baptism, to make a personal public confession of the faith and a lifelong pledge of fidelity to Christ”(An Explanation of Luther’s Small Catechism, copyright 1991, Concordia Publishing House, question 306, page 241 [Lutheran Church Missouri Synod]).
“But let a man [or woman] examine himself, and so let him eat of the bread and drink of the cup.”
1 Corinthains 11:28 (NKJV)
At-Home Bible Training for Kids
Parent Road Ministries provides practical resources to train and equip parents and family leaders like you to biblically disciple their children, teaching them to love God with all of their hearts, minds, and actions. Click here to learn more about what makes our family devotionals unique.
Nancy Ruth has, but The Answer Book was her first publication. She started with a few projects in college. Then she wrote a bit of “in-house” curriculum for the children’s ministry at the churches where she served. Nancy really enjoyed it and it was great preparation for what she does now.
- Learn more about the Parent Road Ministries team here.
- Here are some family Bible study books and resources by Nancy.
- Click here to read some of Nancy’s blogs.
Why Do Bad Things Happen?
Children’s Ministers, Christian Parents, Homeschool Moms, and Homeschool Dads,
The best time to prepare for a disaster is before it strikes. Why Do Bad Things Happen? is a seven-week, daily family Bible study which seeks to answer the question, “How could a good God allow bad things to happen, especially to good people?” Insufficient answers to this question are one of the primary reasons why people walk away from the Christian faith. This is the second book in the Worldview Series.
The proposed family devotional is not exhaustive. Its purpose is to guide parents and guardians of elementary children to lay a solid groundwork, at an age-appropriate level, in order to better equip children for when they later encounter disasters and the harsh realities of life. (Note that the examples used in this study are limited to things a typical American elementary-age child may encounter themselves or in the lives of their friends.) Included is an annotated bibliography for those interested in further reading.
This is a working description, subject to change in the final publication.
How does it work?
Our devotionals are written for busy families with elementary children, keeping in mind that there may be older and/or younger children also in the home. This seven-week study will have five fifteen-minute lessons per week.
This family Bible study will include Bible study, apologetics (explaining and defending what Christians believe), application, memory verses, Bible study skills, and fun activities.
Sample Lessons
- The Bible Tells One Big Story
- Good Is Different From Happy
- God always answers our prayers.
- God didn’t make robots.
When will it be available?
Join the E-Team for samples and status updates.
Other Publications
Can’t wait that long? Why not try our other studies?
- 40 Scriptures to Pray Over Your Children
- The Answer Book: A Devotional for Busy Families
- The Answer Book: Small-Group Guide
- Kids Bible Book Memory Plan
- Waiting for Christmas: Weekly Family Devotions for Advent
Other FREE resources are available here.
For some reason, people always think I’m much younger than I really am. I usually make people (especially kids) guess my age and have heard most everything from 12 to 120. If you really must know, I was born in 1979. You can do the math.
Roger Bailey

Mary’s 80th birthday, 2016
Mary and I have four daughters. The two oldest are from Mary’s first marriage and were adopted by me. Our oldest passed away in 2003. She never married. Our next oldest is an artist and flight attendant who married a Frenchman (also an artist). They have three children (born in 1999, 2001, and 2004). They moved from France to the Houston area in 2012. Our third child, Nancy Ruth, and our fourth daughter live nearby. Our youngest (the fourth daughter) teaches music at the local elementary school and is single. Mary passed away in November 2016.
Nancy Ruth
That has been a heartfelt prayer for many (many) years, but God seems to keep answering either “Not yet” or “Trust Me.” (Sigh.) In the meantime, Nancy babysits, is involved at church, and plays with her nieces, nephew, and “adopted” kids of friends. She has also worked with hundreds of families where she’s lived and served in Colorado, Florida, Oklahoma, and Texas (not to mention those she’s visited with in her travels across the country and overseas).
Sheila Hamlin
Sheila has two teenagers, a boy and a girl. More information about Sheila is coming soon!
No way! Many people work behind the scenes to make Parent Road Ministries and its publications possible. These include our Parent Road Ministry team, WestBow Press publication team, and Focus Groups, along with parents and leaders like you.
Our team members have servant’s hearts and usually prefer to work anonymously, but none of this would be possible without them. They proofread and critique all written materials before publication as well as financially and prayerfully support the ministry.
- Learn more about the Parent Road Ministries team here.
- Here are our family Bible study books and resources.
Questions about Parent Road Ministries
The History of Parent Road Ministries
It was a long, twisty journey before the view opened up and God showed Nancy Ruth she was to write and co-found Parent Road Ministries.
Nancy experienced firsthand the blessings of a home where studying the Bible as a family was made a priority. Like any family, it wasn’t perfect, but she now considers her dad her first serious Bible teacher.
Working with preteens in Texas, she saw God use kids in amazing ways, doing things many adults are scared to do. Because they were growing in their faith and putting it into practice, children were boldly sharing Jesus and teaching other kids. Wow!
Nancy has served children and families in big and small churches in various parts of the country. She has seen parents concerned that their kids might be passing the adults in their spiritual growth. She has seen entire families come to church with no Bible background, hungry to know all they can. She has also seen parents who want to teach their children the Bible themselves at home.
Parent Road Ministries grew out of all these things. Several Bible studies were outlined in one weekend when God laid this ministry strongly on Nancy’s heart. When she shared these ideas with her parents, Roger and Mary Bailey, they became excited as well and asked to be involved.
In 2013, Nancy moved to Oklahoma to focus on the work of Parent Road Ministries. Roger became the Outreach Assistant and general “gopher” while Mary was their staunchest prayer warrior.
Sheila Hamlin and Nancy Ruth met “by chance” (read “God-appointment”) at a conference in 2016. Sheila soon joined the ministry to focus on reaching the teenage members of the family.
The goal of Parent Road Ministries is to provide practical resources to train and equip parents and family leaders like you to biblically disciple their children, teaching them to love God with all of their hearts, minds, and actions. Learn more here about what makes our studies unique.
The name Parent Road Ministries is taken from Deuteronomy 6:5-7:
“Love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commands that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up” (NIV).
The idea of Parent Road Ministries is to equip and partner with families as they walk along the road, talking to their children about God and the Bible, and teaching them to love God with their all of their heart, mind, and actions.
Focus Groups are our version of a pilot program or test group, providing valuable feedback before the final publication. Focus Groups preview upcoming Bible studies by using the Devotional for Busy Families and/or the Small-Group Guide. In return for this exclusive FREE material, these families and groups submit valuable feedback which we use in the final edit before publication.
Click here for more information about the next family Bible study.
What Focus Groups do you have so far?
Registration for the next Focus Groups will be announced through our E-Team newsletter. Sign up here.
How are Focus Groups chosen?
Limited Focus Group openings are available based on family type, group type, and region of the country/world. Within these parameters, selection is based on a first-come-first-serve basis. Be sure to register your group today!
Who can participate in a Focus Group?
Anyone who would like to try our devotionals and/or small-group guides with their family or group. These family Bible study materials are written for busy families with elementary children at home (even if they have older or younger siblings who will also participate). Click here to learn what kinds of families can be included.
The small-group guides are designed for two or more families. This could be a home-school group, Sunday school, coffee group, weekend retreat, or any number of other small-group settings.
Limited space is available, so be sure to register your group today!
Who is the Focus Group Leader?
You may choose whoever you like to actually lead the study. The family devotionals and leader guides are designed for novices as well as experienced leaders.
On this website and in communications, Parent Road Ministries will refer to the person who submits the Focus Group Registration form as your “Focus Group Leader.” This person will receive the PDF file of the Bible study along with the password needed to complete the Focus Group Feedback form.
Do you have to do both the devotional and the small-group guide to be a Focus Group?
No, although the majority of openings are for groups doing both. Nevertheless, there are a few Focus Group openings for families who do just the Devotional for Busy Families as well as openings for groups wishing to do only the Small-Group Guide.
How do you start a Focus Group?
The hidden Easter eggs with words on them were part of our 2015 Easter Giveaway Contest.
There are lots of Bible studies out there. Why should you choose Parent Road Ministries?
- God’s Word is the foundation. We don’t teach opinions. We teach straight from God’s Word.
- Bible lessons are short and kid-friendly. Although written to use each day, some families do one a week as part of their family worship.
- Practical application is emphasized. James 1:22-25 explains that simply hearing the Word of God is not enough. We must do what it says. Weekly family challenges apply lessons learned.
- Apologetics are incorporated into the teaching. 1 Peter 1:15 says to always be ready to give a defense for the hope we have in Jesus Christ. Introductory apologetics lessons equips kids and families to do just that.
- Big church words are explained. Do you get lost when pastors throw around big words? You’re not the only one. Parent Road Ministries Family Bible Studies break down those big words into everyday language.
- Memory verses are broken into do-able pieces. Those beginning to memorize verses find it much easier to add 3-5 words per day. Each part of the verse is also explained.
- Additional reading suggestions are provided for those who want more.
These studies make great first steps for discipling new Christians and teaching kids the things of Christ.
Don’t see your question answered? Feel free to contact us! We’ll do our best to answer it and add to this list as needed.
Sign up now for our FREE E-Team newsletter.
The PRM E-Team is a growing community of families and children's leaders who want to see kids living for Jesus. If you want regular encouragement, exclusive freebies, resources, and behind the scenes happenings, join us because ONLY the E-Team receives these exclusives!