Common Myths About Jesus’ Birth

By Nancy Ruth / December 7, 2023 /

Earlier this year, we released a video on “The Birth of Jesus.” In my adult Sunday school class in December 2022, we looked at the videos following Lee Strobel’s The Case for Christmas (not an affiliate link). It’s excellent! I’d recommend it if you haven’t read it. One of the interesting things I’ve learned is…

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Fake vs. Faithful Worship

By Nancy Ruth / February 23, 2023 /

What do you think of when I say “worship”? Do you think of smoke machines, colored lights, a band (with drums), and a few people holding microphones? Do you think of a grand cathedral, robes, incense, and hauntingly beautiful music with no instruments? Do you think of a group of people happily singing through a…

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A Simple Way To Learn To Pray

By Nancy Ruth / October 27, 2022 /

Are you familiar with the P.R.A.Y. acrostic? It’s a simple way to learn how to pray. I didn’t make it up, and I’m not sure who did, but I use this tool frequently. Too often, our prayers become like letters to Santa Claus. I want this and this and this and this. God is not…

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How to Write a Baby Dedication Script (Sample Included)

By Nancy Ruth / April 22, 2022 /

The birth of a child is a great opportunity for the church to minister to a family. I hope your church has in place ways to support, encourage, and minister to families welcoming children through birth and adoption.

Some churches include baby dedications as part of that process. A few denominations have a script already provided for these occasions. Others are left to their own devices. If this is you, how do you write a baby dedication script? What elements do you need to include? I’ve provided some suggestions below. I’ve also included the sample script I wrote for my church.

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What does it mean to “love God with all your heart”?

By Nancy Ruth / November 5, 2018 /

Last week we defined worship like this: “The meaning of the word ‘worship’ is to ascribe worth to something. In other words, it means to say and act like something has worth. It means to honor something, to say it is good and deserving of special attention. More than that, to worship something means to…

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What does “worship” mean?

By Nancy Ruth / October 29, 2018 /

Worship. You hear that word thrown around a lot at church. There’s the “worship service,” the “worship center,” “worship music,” “praise and worship,” and probably a few I forgot. I get it. Worship is important. But what is worship exactly? Is it more than singing a few Christian songs? (Yes.) Are we worshiping things other…

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“The church is full of hypocrites!”

By Nancy Ruth / April 29, 2018 /

“The church is full of hypocrites!” How would you answer someone (or yourself) in the face of this objection? The same objection may be voiced a number of ways. “I like Jesus, just not the church. It’s full of hypocrites.” “I can be a Christian and live for Christ without attending a church. It’s only…

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“Jesus, take my life… but not that!”

By Nancy Ruth / April 15, 2018 /

Are there parts of life where Jesus isn’t allowed? That is a question that’s come up in my reading this week and in the sermon again this morning. In America we have a tendency to think of church (or religion) as separate from the rest of life. A growing sentiment urges, “Do what you want…

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The Danger of Good Friday Suspense

By Nancy Ruth / March 19, 2018 /

The true story of one traumatized little girl led me to reevaluate the way I teach and celebrate the events of Easter. Next week is Holy Week where churches around the world will be remembering Palm Sunday, the Last Supper, the Garden of Gethsemane, Jesus’ trial, His crucifixion, and the joy of Resurrection Sunday. This…

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Does your heart or actions drive your love?

By Nancy Ruth / February 12, 2018 /

A few weeks ago my music minister said something about love and worship that continues to echo in my ears. It had been at least three weeks since I’d been in choir because of a terrible bout of bronchitis and common cold. I was starting to feel stronger, but still had a cough and was…

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