From People-Pleasing To God-Pleasing

By Nancy Ruth / January 4, 2024 /

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about value, worth, and people-pleasing. For a long time, if I was honest, I found my value and worth in what other people thought of me. I guess you could say I was a doormat, someone others walked all over. There’s an old family story from when my little…

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How to forgive when it’s hard

By Roger Bailey / May 25, 2023 /

Everyone will occasionally have sinful thoughts and actions during their Christian walk. Sometimes the most challenging sinful thoughts come when someone else sins against us. Forgiveness can be hard. Sometimes it seems impossible. How do we forgive others when they don’t deserve it? A good example is when the Apostle Peter denied Jesus during His…

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Just A Closer Walk With Thee, Lord

By Roger Bailey / April 27, 2023 /

Have you ever asked yourself these questions? What are my goals in life? Do all of these goals match how God wants me to spend my life? How do I live a completely humble and abandoned life to God? How do I continue to learn and grow in this walk with God? In addition to…

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Fake vs. Faithful Worship

By Nancy Ruth / February 23, 2023 /

What do you think of when I say “worship”? Do you think of smoke machines, colored lights, a band (with drums), and a few people holding microphones? Do you think of a grand cathedral, robes, incense, and hauntingly beautiful music with no instruments? Do you think of a group of people happily singing through a…

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Free Will, Original Sin, & Predestination

By Nancy Ruth / December 22, 2022 /

Free will means we have a choice. God gave us this gift. When we choose not to obey God, that is called sin. The first sin recorded in Scripture and its consequences is called “original sin.” When we trust Jesus as our Lord and Savior, we are set free from sin and death. The Holy Spirit comes to live inside us, and we get to live with God forever. How does predestination work with free will?

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ABC Attributes of a Child of God

By Nancy Ruth / September 14, 2021 /

The following is copied with permission from the August 2021 “From the Pastor” section of the Zion Lutheran Church Newsletter. Who are You? This month many of you will be starting school again, and one of the first things you are asked in a new classroom, whether in Kindergarten or High School, is what is…

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Love Your Neighbor

By Nancy Ruth / February 22, 2021 /

Most Christians are familiar with the Great Commandment. Matthew 22:36-40 says this: 36 “Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?” 37 Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ 38 This is the first and greatest commandment. 39 And the second is like it:…

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People don’t care how much you know…

By Nancy Ruth / February 17, 2021 /

Have you heard this old adage? “People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care.” It’s true. Think back for a minute. Who was your favorite teacher in school? Why were they your favorite? Did they make you feel special somehow? My guess is that you knew they cared about…

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Star of Bethlehem

By Nancy Ruth / December 21, 2020 /

If you’re a stargazer or an educator, you probably know that tonight (Dec. 21, 2020) is a rare planetary alignment. Articles like this one suggest it may be the “Star of Bethlehem.” Is that true? Let’s talk about it. Planetary Alignment Some may be asking, “What’s happening Dec. 21, 2020?” That night the planets Saturn…

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Memorize Psalm 40:5 – Gospel Project Key Passage (Memory Verse)

By Hope Willis / August 3, 2020 /

This video for kids works on memorizing the Bible verse Psalm 40:5. We’ll also review Isa,. 42:8 and Isa. 53:4-5. These verses are from the Gospel Project for Kids curriculum, Volumes 24, 22, and 13. Do you like this video? Be sure to give it a thumbs up and share it with your friends! Timestamps:…

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