God always answers our prayers.

By Nancy Ruth / April 6, 2020 /

In light of the current Coronavirus crisis, we’ve decided to release excerpts from the as-yet-unpublished book Why Do Bad Things Happen? A Devotional for Busy Families. This book will not be released until later this year, but we felt families could use these lessons to talk with their kids about what is happening now. Join…

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“The church is full of hypocrites!”

By Nancy Ruth / April 29, 2018 /

“The church is full of hypocrites!” How would you answer someone (or yourself) in the face of this objection? The same objection may be voiced a number of ways. “I like Jesus, just not the church. It’s full of hypocrites.” “I can be a Christian and live for Christ without attending a church. It’s only…

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The Danger of Good Friday Suspense

By Nancy Ruth / March 19, 2018 /

The true story of one traumatized little girl led me to reevaluate the way I teach and celebrate the events of Easter. Next week is Holy Week where churches around the world will be remembering Palm Sunday, the Last Supper, the Garden of Gethsemane, Jesus’ trial, His crucifixion, and the joy of Resurrection Sunday. This…

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What made Billy Graham special?

By Nancy Ruth / February 25, 2018 /

Are you or your children the next Billy Graham? How do you know? What about Billy Graham made him so special and influential? If you have not heard, Billy Graham died Wednesday morning, Feb. 21, 2018. Our prayers are with his family in this difficult time of grief. How to Minister to the Grieving Who was…

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Bible History Song

By Nancy Ruth / February 6, 2017 /

UPDATE: A huge THANK YOU to Aaron Robertson for the remix and making the first video of this song!!!!! It’ll be posted on YouTube and the link added here soon. I’m working on pictures to go with it. When they’re done, I’ll make a second video. This song hits the highlights of Bible history from creation…

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Are You Trying to Do God’s Job?

By Nancy Ruth / April 20, 2016 /

In disciple group the other day, I was reminded of a truth that blew my mind. I felt like I was in a Jet.com commercial: “Poof! Mind blown.” The first time I head this truth, it changed my life. There are times I forget, but it is so powerful when I apply it. Are you…

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God’s Mercy Toward Literal-Minded Children

By Nancy Ruth / March 29, 2016 /

Image (c) depositphotos.com I reel in amazement at the price Christ paid for my sins on Calvary. It is one of the reasons I love Easter so much. But, did you know there is danger lurking for children in this powerful season? It may not be what you think. The Power of Christ’s Sacrifice I…

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Is There An Age Limit for Spiritual Gifts?

By Nancy Ruth / January 15, 2016 /

This question is not often voiced, but we see it lived out so many places. Children are shunted aside until they are “old enough.” Retirees and Senior adults are dismissed as “out of touch,” “past their prime,” or “old fashioned.” Neither attitude is biblical. Today we’ll specifically address the first one.  (See 1 Corinthians 9:24-27…

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What are the Spiritual Gifts? Part 1: Teaching Gifts

By Nancy Ruth / January 11, 2016 /

What are the spiritual gifts? How does a person get one or more spiritual gifts? How do spiritual gifts work? Over the next few weeks we’re going to look closer at some of these spiritual gifts. What are spiritual gifts? When one turns away from sin and trusts Jesus as his or her Lord and…

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How to Be Humble, Part 1

By Nancy Ruth / December 28, 2015 /

I hope you had a wonderful Christmas, whether you had a big celebration or a quiet day like my family did. If your Christmas was full of fighting and uncomfortable situations, I’m sorry. Remember, though, that Christmas is not about family. Christmas is not about getting or giving gifts. Christmas is really about Jesus. What…

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