The Importance of Spending Time in God’s Word

By Nancy Ruth / March 7, 2024 /

This week, I asked Dad (Roger) what God had been teaching him lately. This was our 7-minute conversation. ROGER: What I’ve really come to realize lately is the importance of being in God’s Word daily and not having time… several days in a row where you aren’t in His Word. That’s a big key of how He…

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From People-Pleasing To God-Pleasing

By Nancy Ruth / January 4, 2024 /

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about value, worth, and people-pleasing. For a long time, if I was honest, I found my value and worth in what other people thought of me. I guess you could say I was a doormat, someone others walked all over. There’s an old family story from when my little…

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Common Myths About Jesus’ Birth

By Nancy Ruth / December 7, 2023 /

Earlier this year, we released a video on “The Birth of Jesus.” In my adult Sunday school class in December 2022, we looked at the videos following Lee Strobel’s The Case for Christmas (not an affiliate link). It’s excellent! I’d recommend it if you haven’t read it. One of the interesting things I’ve learned is…

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How to Find Your Purpose or Calling

By Nancy Ruth / October 26, 2023 /

Are you or your kids searching to find their purpose in life? Your “calling”? Searching for a purpose at various stages and transitions in life is normal. It’s also normal for one’s calling to shift and change as the Lord leads. I’m at one of those crossroads now. I can no longer do what I’ve…

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Are your habits throwing you off?

By Nancy Ruth / October 5, 2023 /

I’ve been reminded lately of the power of consistent habits and routines. To be honest, I’ve fallen into some old patterns I’ve been trying to change. It’s time for me to revisit the topic. Habits Habits affect our daily lives, our families, and our spiritual walk, whether we know it or not. A habit is…

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When “God Our Father” Is A Bad Thing

By Nancy Ruth / June 22, 2023 /

This month we’re celebrating Father’s Day. I grew up with a loving, supportive, godly dad, so I look forward to telling him (again) how much he means to me. That’s not true for everyone. As I grew up and encountered more of the world, I discovered some troubling things. One of those was valid reasons…

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How to forgive when it’s hard

By Roger Bailey / May 25, 2023 /

Everyone will occasionally have sinful thoughts and actions during their Christian walk. Sometimes the most challenging sinful thoughts come when someone else sins against us. Forgiveness can be hard. Sometimes it seems impossible. How do we forgive others when they don’t deserve it? A good example is when the Apostle Peter denied Jesus during His…

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Just A Closer Walk With Thee, Lord

By Roger Bailey / April 27, 2023 /

Have you ever asked yourself these questions? What are my goals in life? Do all of these goals match how God wants me to spend my life? How do I live a completely humble and abandoned life to God? How do I continue to learn and grow in this walk with God? In addition to…

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Fake vs. Faithful Worship

By Nancy Ruth / February 23, 2023 /

What do you think of when I say “worship”? Do you think of smoke machines, colored lights, a band (with drums), and a few people holding microphones? Do you think of a grand cathedral, robes, incense, and hauntingly beautiful music with no instruments? Do you think of a group of people happily singing through a…

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My favorite books on work, productivity, rest, & sleep

By Nancy Ruth / January 26, 2023 /

Work and rest. It’s a balance that’s hard to get right. For many years, I leaned heavily to the side of all work and little rest. I shared about ways God is changing my heart in this post. Here are some of my favorite books on work, productivity, rest, & sleep (not affiliate links). NOTE:…

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