Common Myths About Jesus’ Birth

By Nancy Ruth / December 7, 2023 /

Earlier this year, we released a video on “The Birth of Jesus.” In my adult Sunday school class in December 2022, we looked at the videos following Lee Strobel’s The Case for Christmas (not an affiliate link). It’s excellent! I’d recommend it if you haven’t read it. One of the interesting things I’ve learned is…

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When “God Our Father” Is A Bad Thing

By Nancy Ruth / June 22, 2023 /

This month we’re celebrating Father’s Day. I grew up with a loving, supportive, godly dad, so I look forward to telling him (again) how much he means to me. That’s not true for everyone. As I grew up and encountered more of the world, I discovered some troubling things. One of those was valid reasons…

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How to Make Summer Planning Easier

By Nancy Ruth / May 27, 2022 /

Summer planning can be stressful! Even if you plan annual events, there’s always the worry that you forgot something. You can do two things to make sure each event/activity is better than the last.

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How to Write a Baby Dedication Script (Sample Included)

By Nancy Ruth / April 22, 2022 /

The birth of a child is a great opportunity for the church to minister to a family. I hope your church has in place ways to support, encourage, and minister to families welcoming children through birth and adoption.

Some churches include baby dedications as part of that process. A few denominations have a script already provided for these occasions. Others are left to their own devices. If this is you, how do you write a baby dedication script? What elements do you need to include? I’ve provided some suggestions below. I’ve also included the sample script I wrote for my church.

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What does “love” mean?

By Nancy Ruth / February 4, 2021 /

Thank you for joining us for this live workshop! I hope these 8 Greek words for love with help you as you talk about love with your children, especially this Valentine’s Day. As a special gift, submit the form below to get a copy of Nancy Ruth’s teaching notes. They are done in outline format…

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Can we really make ourselves better?

By Nancy Ruth / January 18, 2021 /

Each January, the air is full of hope. “This year will be better,” we tell ourselves. We set goals, make resolutions, and vow to be better. Is all this effort worth it? Can we really make ourselves better? The answer to this question is “yes and no.” There are things we can change. People quit…

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Socially-Distant Egg Hunt for Kids

By Nancy Ruth / April 16, 2020 /

Are you stuck inside for quarantine or self-isolation? Are the kids driving you nuts? Are you trying to figure out how to still make Easter (Resurrection Sunday) special? Try this socially-distant egg hunt. It includes actions to do along with searching for hidden eggs. This is the shorter, preschool version for younger children. We’ll practice…

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My Word for 2020

By Nancy Ruth / January 5, 2020 /

I don’t know if people are doing this where you live, but I’m seeing a lot of posts on Facebook choosing one word to characterize a person’s New Year’s resolutions moving into 2020. I’ve seen words like “strength,” “forgiveness,” “joy,” etc. Comment below and let me know what your word for this year will be.…

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Whom are you trying to please?

By Nancy Ruth / December 31, 2018 /

Happy New Year! Today’s blog will be rather short, but I pray it’s one you’ll think about for much longer. Around New Year’s it’s common to think about where we’ve been and where we’re going. Here is a free a New Year’s resolution prayer for kids which does just that. Today though, let’s put a…

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Advent Nativity – Week 1, Angels

By Nancy Ruth / November 26, 2018 /

This year my second-grade Sunday school co-teacher and I wanted to do something a little different. We decided to slowly build the nativity scene in our room by adding a few new pieces each week in December. I invite you and your family to join us on our journey to the manger as we prepare…

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