Look Back to Look Ahead

Do you want your prayers and life to have a greater impact? A bit of history can change today’s world too.

John F. Kennedy

You all probably already know that Mary (my wife and Nancy Ruth’s mother) passed away on November 29th of last year.  This has led me to reflect on events in my earlier life and how God wants to use these past experiences to help direct my life now.  One such example is my active duty military experiences which happened right after high school.

I was in the United States Marine Corps stationed in North Carolina during Kennedy’s presidency (1961-1963).  While stationed there, I went on several short-term deployments and directly participated in what is now called “Cold War history.”  President Kennedy’s statement, “ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country,” rang true for me during these times. I was “doing” for my country.

Today with social media, the internet, and cell phones, we are in a different era.  We can tap information, ideas, and blogs from others throughout the world.  Beware, because advances in science and this worldwide communication ability do pressure us to conform to the world.

“Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.” Romans 12:2 (NIV)

Materialism is also a temptation for us, as it has been for all past generations.  As a result, we often just pray for selfish things.  We ask Jesus to protect us, shield us, and for other things that benefit our lives. Our prayers should include more than that.  These thoughts bring me back to my military experiences.

Thinking back to the early ’60s and how President Kennedy brought the nation together, I would like to establish a new statement that would bring the Christians of this and other countries together:

Ask not what God can do for you, but what you can do for God.

This kind of prayer would bring God’s power into our lives, thus enabling God to use us to further His kingdom here on earth.  There is no greater joy or peace here on this earth than being filled with the Holy Spirit.

Yours in Christ,

Roger Bailey

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Roger Bailey

Retired electrical engineer with four daughters, three grandkids, and a desire to do God’s Will.


  1. Robert Givens Bailey on January 9, 2017 at 3:10 PM

    This is great Roger. May I use it in our Newsletter here at St. John’s Lutheran Church, Austin if I give you credit?

    • Nancy Ruth on January 10, 2017 at 4:34 PM

      “Absolutely,” he says. “With my blessings.”

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