The Bible Tells One Big Story

By Nancy Ruth / March 23, 2020 /

In light of the current Coronavirus crisis, we’ve decided to release excerpts from the as-yet-unpublished book Why Do Bad Things Happen? A Devotional for Busy Families. This book will not be released until later this year, but we felt families could use these lessons to talk with their kids about what is happening now. Join…

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COVID-19 Ministry Update

By Nancy Ruth / March 22, 2020 /

Dear PRM friends, Families across the world have been impacted by COVID-19. With so many changes happening so fast to try to diminish the impact of the virus, life is now very strange and uncertain, and at times frightening. We hope we can give you resources to comfort and encourage you during this time. We…

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God Will Take Care of You

By Nancy Ruth / March 20, 2020 /

A Bible lesson for toddlers and preschoolers. God will take care of you! Let’s read, play, and sing while we learn more. Subscribe to the Parent Road Ministries YouTube channel here. “God Will Take Care of You” hymn lyrics & meaning: “Llama Llama Red Pajama” read by the author: The story of Joseph…

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Don’t Give Up! Part 2: Peter

By Nancy Ruth / January 20, 2020 /

One of the things I love about the Bible is that the heroes in it are so human. They were great men and women of faith, but they weren’t perfect. Only God is perfect (Matthew 5:48; Romans 3:23; Hebrews 4:15). That gives me hope when I mess up. If God can use them, then He…

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My Word for 2020

By Nancy Ruth / January 5, 2020 /

I don’t know if people are doing this where you live, but I’m seeing a lot of posts on Facebook choosing one word to characterize a person’s New Year’s resolutions moving into 2020. I’ve seen words like “strength,” “forgiveness,” “joy,” etc. Comment below and let me know what your word for this year will be.…

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Don’t Give Up! Part 1

By Nancy Ruth / December 2, 2019 /

Have you ever set goals or made good intentions, only to drop the ball and mess up practically the next day? Alas, that’s human nature. The key is what you do next. Do you give up, or do you pick back up where you left off? I’ve been reminded of the importance of this crossroads…

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Meet Hope Willis

By Nancy Ruth / October 28, 2019 /

Hello! My name is Hope Willis, and I’m the new Parent Road Ministries Social Media Coordinator. Nancy Ruth asked me to introduce myself to you, so here’s a bit about me. I’m the oldest of 5 kids, all two years apart. Our parents raised us up in church, and I accepted Christ in the 3rd…

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Kids & Grief

By Nancy Ruth / September 30, 2019 /

This has been a season of loss in my small-town community. In the last 3 or 4 weeks, there has been two teen suicides, one gun threat at the high school, another suicide of a 41-year-old with children, accidental death of an 8-year-old, and the death of my 93-year-old neighbor and friend. I know that…

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What is “faith”?

By Nancy Ruth / June 3, 2019 /

What does “faith” mean? Is faith blind? Are faith and reason (thinking) connected or two separate things? Lately, I’ve been reading The Cross and the Crescent: Understanding the Muslim Heart and Mind by Phil Parshall. This post does not contain affiliate links, but I do recommend the book to those interested. In the first chapter,…

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What is Pharisee-ism? How do you know if it describes you?

By Nancy Ruth / May 6, 2019 /

Can you spot a modern-day Pharisee? How do you know if you are one yourself? I recently read a very interesting book by Timothy Keller called The Reason for God: Belief in an Age of Skepticism (not an affiliate link). I admire the way Keller speaks like a normal person, not a hyper-educated scholar. He…

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