Lost Your Passion?

By Nancy Ruth / February 3, 2015 /

Has your life lost the joy and focus it once had? Revelation opens with reminders of God’s greatness along with specific words to seven early churches. The church at Ephesus was commended for their dedication and commitment to following God’s commands and living right, no matter what. “But I have this against you, that you…

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How Would God Change Your New Year’s Resolutions?

By Nancy Ruth / December 27, 2014 /

As we think about our life to date and make New Year’s resolutions, it is a good time to ask God what His plan is for you. Every believer has a valuable role to play in God’s work, a role specifically designed for that person which fits their God-given gifts and talents (Ephesians 2:8-10; 1…

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How to Conquer Fear

By Nancy Ruth / November 29, 2014 /

As I write this, I am very close to finishing the final edit for The Answer Book. What surprises me is how reluctant I’ve been to finish and send it back to the publisher. I’ve always been nervous doing things in front of large groups. I guess this is similar. At the age of seventeen,…

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Halloween Costumes and Real Heroes

By Nancy Ruth / October 25, 2014 /

At Halloween and Fall Festivals, kids dress up as all kinds of characters. How can you encourage kids to make Christ their lifelong hero?

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How to Make Bible Study Part of Everyday Life

By Nancy Ruth / September 27, 2014 /

Is there time for Bible study in your new school routine? Routines are very important. I have a “love-hate” relationship with routine. I hate being regimented. Too much routine and I go stir crazy. On the other hand, too little routine and I go nuts too.

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How to Lead a Child to Christ, Part 2

By Nancy Ruth / September 3, 2014 /

What questions should I ask a child who wants to accept Jesus as Lord and Savior?

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How to Lead a Child to Christ, Part 1

By Nancy Ruth / June 28, 2014 /

Your child says they want to turn to Christ. How do you know if they are really ready? How did Nancy Ruth come to know Christ as her Lord and Savior?

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How to Make Lasting Memories

By Nancy Ruth / May 31, 2014 /

What will your children remember most this year?

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