Are You Really Giving Your Best?

By Nancy Ruth / October 16, 2015 /

In our family, the standard which children must achieve for school grades is “your best.” The actual grade varies slightly depending on the child and the subject, but the question is always asked: “Was this your best?” The answer (and its honesty) determines whether the grade is acceptable or not. I’ve been struck lately in my…

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Failure and Peer Pressure

By Nancy Ruth / October 14, 2015 /

Have you ever been embarrassed when you made a mistake and everyone laughed? What did you do? Flag Fiasco Several weeks ago I was at a workshop with over 200 other ladies. One of my jobs was to carry the flags in at the beginning of the meetings and carry them out again at the…

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What does “awesome” really mean?

By Nancy Ruth / October 12, 2015 /

For a while now, the word “awesome” has been used to describe pretty much anything good. “That was awesome, dude!” What was awesome? A meal? A belly flop into a pool? Was it really “awesome”? You tell me. What does “awesome” mean? The word “awesome” actually means to inspire awe. Awe is supposed to leave…

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How to Keep Kids Quiet in Big Church

By Nancy Ruth / October 7, 2015 /

One of the biggest fears and struggles parents of young children face is what to do with a squirmy, loud child during the worship service. How do you keep kids quiet so they don’t disrupt the service? A few weeks ago I just had to encourage a mom of a young four year old. It…

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Minister Appreciation Giveaway

By Nancy Ruth / October 5, 2015 /

Do you have a great minister at your church? Tell us about him or her by email or in the comments below. Encourage other members of your church to vote as well. At the end of the month, the minister with the most votes will receive a FREE autographed copy of The Answer Book: Small-Group Guide (a $19.95 value).

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What Was the Real Sin of Babel?

By Nancy Ruth / October 2, 2015 /

Where was Babel? What was the real sin of Babel? When did all this happen? Call me strange, but I get excited about the fact that the Bible is a historical book. I love the way that archaeologists are discovering more and more to verify what the Bible says is true. I also get excited…

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Why is the Bible translated?

By Nancy Ruth / September 30, 2015 /

Today is Bible Translation Day. Have you ever thought about how blessed we are to have the Bible in a language we can read and understand? To learn more about modern Bible translation, see this slideshow by Wycliffe. The Old Testament was originally written in Hebrew and Aramaic. It looks like this: The New Testament…

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A God Eclipse?

By Nancy Ruth / September 28, 2015 /

The lunar eclipse reminded me of Elijah and the times in my life when it seemed like God wasn’t there. Have you ever felt like you couldn’t tell if God was still there?

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Bible Translation Lesson for Kids

By Nancy Ruth / September 25, 2015 /

How many people have a Bible they can read? What are other cultures like? What are some prayer reminders you can make for kids around the world?

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Does Prayer Really Work?

By Nancy Ruth / September 23, 2015 /

Image (c) Have you ever wondered if God really hears your prayers? If He really answers prayer? How to Pray Jesus prayed quite a bit. If you read through the gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John), notice how many times Jesus gets away to pray or prays where others can hear Him. Jesus’ disciples…

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