The Importance of Spending Time in God’s Word

This week, I asked Dad (Roger) what God had been teaching him lately. This was our 7-minute conversation.

ROGER: What I’ve really come to realize lately is the importance of being in God’s Word daily and not having time… several days in a row where you aren’t in His Word. That’s a big key of how He works, how He speaks to us and directs our lives.

NR: What advice would you give to someone who’s crazy busy and struggles with that?

ROGER: Well, it has to be a priority. And they need to work out a schedule that will allow some time to be in… not only in God’s Word, but in prayer.

NR: What encouragement would you give for someone who’s fallen away and… is thinking they need to come back?

ROGER: Well, I would think about… Scripture talks to us about various people recorded who have fallen away and who have things and how God forgives. God is a forgiving God and a loving God. And none of us earn His mercy, so… It is freely available, and He loves us.

NR: How long have you been studying the Bible?

ROGER: Actually, most of my life because my earliest memories are my mother putting us to bed and saying the Lord’s Prayer with us or encouraging us to say the prayer with her, even though we didn’t have a clear understanding of who God is and what He’s done.

NR: And how old are you now?

ROGER: Well, 82. (Laughing.)

NR: Are you still learning new things from studying Scripture that long?

ROGER: Learning new things, but also more getting back what I’ve kind of drifted away from in the past and coming back to things, such as making sure I read Scripture every day.

NR: It’s really easy to fall out of that habit.

ROGER: Oh, absolutely!

NR: What are some things you’ve done in the past to help make it a priority when life is crazy?

ROGER: Well, I try to have at least a very short time to read in the Scripture and prayer before I go to bed. That serves a dual purpose. It keeps me in the habit, and it also sets my mind in the right direction so that I sleep better.

NR: How long have you been doing that?

ROGER: Um, well, if I overlook the few times here or there where I don’t do it, then it’s been many decades.

NR: That’s cool. Yeah, we all have… Sometimes, we all run into that. (Laughing.)

NR: So, what advice would you give families with young kids that have trouble finding any time alone?

ROGER: Even if both parents can’t be there, one or the other should spend a little time with their children in prayer and with a little devotion. And it doesn’t have to be all the kids at the same time, you know. It could be individually.

NR: That’s good.

ROGER: Even though you may want to do it at the same time.

NR: Yeah. It’s not always possible. (Laughing.)

NR: Anything else you want to share on this topic?

ROGER: Yeah, one of the things that keeps… that’s come up recently in my daily devotions is the importance of setting priorities. And our relationship to our Lord should be and has to be top priority. This is where true peace and true joy comes, regardless of situation that you may be facing here on this earth, if the priorities are right.

NR: What do you think it is about making God the first priority that gives us that peace and joy?

ROGER: Well, realizing… If you’re into the Scripture, you realize that what God has in store for us in heaven is so much greater and so much more wonderful than what’s here on this earth and so permanent where things on this earth are so temporary. And, so, that really sets up peace and joy.

NR: Yeah. And in addition to that, I find that reminders that we have the Holy Spirit within us as believers that also gives me peace and joy because I think of that verse, “He who is within you is greater than he who is in the world.”

ROGER: Wonderful! Yes.

NR: I’ll have to find that reference. (Laughing.) [EDIT: It’s 1 John 4:4.]

NR: Anything else?

ROGER: Nope. Rejoice in the Lord together.

NR: Would you pray for us before we go?

ROGER: Sure. Heavenly Father, in Jesus’ name, we just pray that Your Holy Spirit would be, not only present in us but influence us and that our relationship to You would be a fellowship. It’s not just a “what You can do for me,” but a fellowship and a direction and a leadership—Your leadership for us. We just pray this in Jesus’ name. Amen.

NR: Amen.

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Nancy Ruth

Nancy Ruth is the Co-Founder and Primary Content Creator at Parent Road Ministries. Learn more at

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