What are the Spiritual Gifts? Part 1: Teaching Gifts

By Nancy Ruth / January 11, 2016 /

What are the spiritual gifts? How does a person get one or more spiritual gifts? How do spiritual gifts work? Over the next few weeks we’re going to look closer at some of these spiritual gifts. What are spiritual gifts? When one turns away from sin and trusts Jesus as his or her Lord and…

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5 Steps to Discovering Your Spiritual Gifts

By Nancy Ruth / January 8, 2016 /

Christian, you have been given at least one spiritual gift so you can partner with other Christ-followers to continue God’s work here on earth. Do you know what your gift is? Are you using it? How do I know what my spiritual gift is? If you have truly repented of your sin and asked Jesus…

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“Did God Mess Up When He Made Me?”

By Nancy Ruth / January 4, 2016 /

What goals did you make for 2016? What New Year’s resolutions did you make? Did you look at how you can serve better God this year? This month we’ll be looking closer at spiritual gifts and how they should be used. First though, we need to look at a question many people ask themselves. “Did…

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How to Conquer Fear

By Nancy Ruth / November 29, 2014 /

As I write this, I am very close to finishing the final edit for The Answer Book. What surprises me is how reluctant I’ve been to finish and send it back to the publisher. I’ve always been nervous doing things in front of large groups. I guess this is similar. At the age of seventeen,…

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