How to Talk to Your Kids About the Election Results

By Nancy Ruth / November 14, 2016 /

People across the nation are still reeling from last week’s election results. This affects children too. Children have been listening for months to parents, the media, and other sources engage in passionate comments and arguments regarding Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. Naturally, children’s reactions to the election mirror those they hold in the highest esteem.…

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Are You Trying to Do God’s Job?

By Nancy Ruth / April 20, 2016 /

In disciple group the other day, I was reminded of a truth that blew my mind. I felt like I was in a commercial: “Poof! Mind blown.” The first time I head this truth, it changed my life. There are times I forget, but it is so powerful when I apply it. Are you…

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3 Steps for Effectively Teaching Children

By Nancy Ruth / April 6, 2016 /

Churches all over are in full swing planning their summer programs for children. One of my favorites is Vacation Bible School (VBS). I was called to the ministry at VBS, so maybe my bias is understandable. (Read this post to learn about this experience.) A friend of mine pioneered a new vision for VBS. They…

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God’s Mercy Toward Literal-Minded Children

By Nancy Ruth / March 29, 2016 /

Image (c) I reel in amazement at the price Christ paid for my sins on Calvary. It is one of the reasons I love Easter so much. But, did you know there is danger lurking for children in this powerful season? It may not be what you think. The Power of Christ’s Sacrifice I…

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How to Grow in Wisdom and Faith

By Roger Bailey / February 24, 2016 /

This is a Bible study I did recently in my jail ministry. This study is also a good family Bible study. Paul was in prison because of his ministry for Christ. While there he continually prayed for the many churches he had established.   His concern for the saints in Ephesus was their lack of growth…

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Are you lovable this Valentine’s Day?

By Nancy Ruth / February 10, 2016 /

Valentine’s Day is in four short days. If you’re like me, you pour over cards to choose just the right one to tell each family member just how much you love them. You debate with yourself over chocolates, flowers, and gifts. In the end, you just hope those close to you know how much you…

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Ash Wednesday: You Have Dirt On Your Face

By Nancy Ruth / February 3, 2016 /

Next week is Ash Wednesday. Does your church family celebrate Ash Wednesday? Do you? Do your kids know what Ash Wednesday is? Below is an excerpt from our new family Bible study, What Does “Lamb of God” Mean? UPDATE (2/21/17): The completion of this study has been shelved for the time being. Learn about Nancy’s…

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What are the Spiritual Gifts? Part 2: Gifts of Service

By Nancy Ruth / January 27, 2016 /

What are the spiritual gifts? How does a person get one or more spiritual gifts? How do spiritual gifts work? Over the next few weeks we’re going to look closer at some of these spiritual gifts. Remember, many spiritual gifts are things that God wants all Christians (Christ-followers) to do. Those with a spiritual gift…

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Is There An Age Limit for Spiritual Gifts?

By Nancy Ruth / January 15, 2016 /

This question is not often voiced, but we see it lived out so many places. Children are shunted aside until they are “old enough.” Retirees and Senior adults are dismissed as “out of touch,” “past their prime,” or “old fashioned.” Neither attitude is biblical. Today we’ll specifically address the first one.  (See 1 Corinthians 9:24-27…

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Christianity in a Fallen World

By Roger Bailey / January 13, 2016 /

We best use our spiritual gifts when we are connected with God through a personal relationship with Him, prayer, Bible study, and fellowship with other believers. Did you know that Jesus prayed for that very thing for you and your family? What happens when you live as Jesus prayed? How do we live out our…

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