Does your heart or actions drive your love?

By Nancy Ruth / February 12, 2018 /

A few weeks ago my music minister said something about love and worship that continues to echo in my ears. It had been at least three weeks since I’d been in choir because of a terrible bout of bronchitis and common cold. I was starting to feel stronger, but still had a cough and was…

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My Prayer for 2018

By Nancy Ruth / January 1, 2018 /

Happy New Year! This is the time of year when I like to look back over the past year to mourn, celebrate, and praise God for His abundant mercy before turning my face to the year to come. This year, I thought I’d take the format of our FREE resource 2018 New Year’s Resolutions for…

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A Family Devotional for Thanksgiving

By Roger Bailey / November 20, 2017 /

Thanksgiving holiday is just around the corner.  This is a special day set aside to remember and be thankful for physical and/or relational blessings in our lives.  Have you ever asked yourself: “Is there one thing above everything else in my life that I should be thankful for?”  Another key question for me is: “Can…

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SNEAK PEEK – Waiting for Christmas: Weekly Family Advent Devotionals

By Nancy Ruth / November 13, 2017 /

You may have seen us advertising the new Family Advent Readings designed for use in “Big Church.” Today we’re getting a sneak peek at the new Advent Family Devotional which will be available next week. Waiting for Christmas: Weekly Family Devotionals for Advent Advent is the four weeks leading up to Christmas. It usually begins…

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An Unexpected Encounter with God

By Nancy Ruth / October 16, 2017 /

Do you sometimes feel like you’re giving all you have but don’t seem to make any measurable progress? I do. This is why I chose to study the account of Jesus walking on water. It’s true that this was a school assignment, but God used it powerfully in my life and I thought I’d share…

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Importance of Prayer

By Roger Bailey / September 11, 2017 /

Is Prayer Really Important? Do I really need to pray often?  How important is praying to my Christian walk? What should be included in my prayers?  Let’s explore scripture for answers. Jesus teaches about prayer. Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be…

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What to Expect This Summer

By Nancy Ruth / May 22, 2017 /

What are some fun ways you can keep kids thinking about spiritual matters this summer? We have some ideas. Hello, everybody! Are you glad summer is here? Part of me says “YES!” while part of me says “Already?!” I know I’m not alone. I have three big announcements today. ANNOUNCEMENT #1 – No Blog This…

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Are We Prepared?

By Roger Bailey / April 24, 2017 /

What would you do if someone verbally attacked you for your faith in Christ? How should we respond or should we even be concerned about such possibilities? Let’s explore the Bible together for direction/answers to these questions. “Finally, all of you, live in harmony with one another; be sympathetic, love as brothers [and sisters], be compassionate and…

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Bible History Song

By Nancy Ruth / February 6, 2017 /

UPDATE: A huge THANK YOU to Aaron Robertson for the remix and making the first video of this song!!!!! It’ll be posted on YouTube and the link added here soon. I’m working on pictures to go with it. When they’re done, I’ll make a second video. This song hits the highlights of Bible history from creation…

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Do New Year’s resolutions work?

By Nancy Ruth / December 26, 2016 /

A resolution by definition is something you firmly decide to do. Is that true of your New Year’s resolutions? It wasn’t always true of mine. This time of year people are thinking about New Year’s resolutions. You may be thinking of things you want to do better next year. Maybe that’s losing weight. Maybe it’s…

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