God Will Take Care of You

By Nancy Ruth / March 20, 2020 /

A Bible lesson for toddlers and preschoolers. God will take care of you! Let’s read, play, and sing while we learn more. Subscribe to the Parent Road Ministries YouTube channel here. “God Will Take Care of You” hymn lyrics & meaning: https://www.godtube.com/popular-hymns/god-will-take-care-of-you/ “Llama Llama Red Pajama” read by the author: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HD1g3P-nKWo The story of Joseph…

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Don’t Give Up! Part 2: Peter

By Nancy Ruth / January 20, 2020 /

One of the things I love about the Bible is that the heroes in it are so human. They were great men and women of faith, but they weren’t perfect. Only God is perfect (Matthew 5:48; Romans 3:23; Hebrews 4:15). That gives me hope when I mess up. If God can use them, then He…

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Don’t Give Up! Part 1

By Nancy Ruth / December 2, 2019 /

Have you ever set goals or made good intentions, only to drop the ball and mess up practically the next day? Alas, that’s human nature. The key is what you do next. Do you give up, or do you pick back up where you left off? I’ve been reminded of the importance of this crossroads…

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What is “faith”?

By Nancy Ruth / June 3, 2019 /

What does “faith” mean? Is faith blind? Are faith and reason (thinking) connected or two separate things? Lately, I’ve been reading The Cross and the Crescent: Understanding the Muslim Heart and Mind by Phil Parshall. This post does not contain affiliate links, but I do recommend the book to those interested. In the first chapter,…

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God didn’t make robots.

By Nancy Ruth / April 8, 2019 /

If you’re part of our E-Team, you know Nancy Ruth is working on a new family Bible study. The working title is: Why Do Bad Things Happen? While this study still has a long way to go before it’s ready to be released, I thought it’d be fun to share with you a stand-alone lesson…

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What would a world without pain and suffering look like?

By Nancy Ruth / February 25, 2019 /

Do you ever wonder what the world would be like without any pain or suffering? I am in the middle of a class on Christian Responses to Evil and Suffering. The question above was one of our topics this past week. It got me thinking and turning to look again at the description of heaven…

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Is Reason an Enemy to Faith?

By Nancy Ruth / November 12, 2018 /

The past couple of weeks we’ve been looking at worship. Last week we began looking at what it means to worship God with our “heart, soul, mind, and strength.” We started with the heart. This week let’s move to the mind. Christians emphasize that we are saved by God’s grace by faith alone. This is…

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What does it mean to “love God with all your heart”?

By Nancy Ruth / November 5, 2018 /

Last week we defined worship like this: “The meaning of the word ‘worship’ is to ascribe worth to something. In other words, it means to say and act like something has worth. It means to honor something, to say it is good and deserving of special attention. More than that, to worship something means to…

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What does “worship” mean?

By Nancy Ruth / October 29, 2018 /

Worship. You hear that word thrown around a lot at church. There’s the “worship service,” the “worship center,” “worship music,” “praise and worship,” and probably a few I forgot. I get it. Worship is important. But what is worship exactly? Is it more than singing a few Christian songs? (Yes.) Are we worshiping things other…

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GUEST POST: Nowhere Else to Go

By Nancy Ruth / September 10, 2018 /

NOTE: This week’s blog is a “Sermonette” which was originally published in The Tonkawa News Aug. 30, 2018. I liked it so much that I called Dr. Cope to ask if I could share it with you all. He graciously agreed. Nowhere Else to Go by Dr. Glen Cope, Tonkawa Church of Christ We live…

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