3 Tips for At-Home Family Bible Study

By Nancy Ruth / February 13, 2017 /

Do you know the importance of family worship and Bible study but are not sure how to start? Have your family worship and Bible study become stale? How do you engage your kids and make your family worship and Bible study fun? 1. Find a regular time and stick to it. Schedule it like a…

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How to Talk to Your Kids About the Election Results

By Nancy Ruth / November 14, 2016 /

People across the nation are still reeling from last week’s election results. This affects children too. Children have been listening for months to parents, the media, and other sources engage in passionate comments and arguments regarding Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. Naturally, children’s reactions to the election mirror those they hold in the highest esteem.…

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Study Hack for Kids

By Nancy Ruth / October 17, 2016 /

Did you know there is one easy thing you can do to help you remember what you learn? It works in school, Sunday school, or with something you are learning on your own. It also works for kids and adults alike. Are you ready to find out what this study tip is? How it works When…

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Coloring Contest – Win a FREE Book!

By Nancy Ruth / September 19, 2016 /

UPDATE: This contest has been extended. In addition to free books, each submission will be sent a goodie bag with small toys and candy. Simply send a picture of something we do at church to: Parent Road Ministries, P.O. Box 397, Tonkawa, OK 74653 Learn more here. With one picture your child could earn FREE…

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Experiential Learning Cycle, Part 2

By Nancy Ruth / May 4, 2016 /

Would you love to be a better teacher? Would you love to be able to teach in a way that makes an actual difference in the lives of children? Late spring is a great time for parents, Sunday school teachers, and other children’s leaders to look back on the last year and look ahead to…

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Experiential Learning Cycle, Part 1

By Nancy Ruth / April 26, 2016 /

Would you love to be a better teacher? Would you love to be able to teach in a way that makes an actual difference in the lives of children? In Children’s Ministry, late spring through summer is a very busy time. Most of your efforts go into planning summer events and the fall, as well…

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6 Steps for Dealing with Rambunctious Children

By Nancy Ruth / April 13, 2016 /

It’s test season in public schools across America. This is the third year I’ve been an elementary school test monitor. Honestly, I love it! It gives me a great opportunity to encourage and pray for students, teachers, the schools, our state, this country, and children in general. I know there is a lot of debate…

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3 Steps for Effectively Teaching Children

By Nancy Ruth / April 6, 2016 /

Churches all over are in full swing planning their summer programs for children. One of my favorites is Vacation Bible School (VBS). I was called to the ministry at VBS, so maybe my bias is understandable. (Read this post to learn about this experience.) A friend of mine pioneered a new vision for VBS. They…

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