Big Word Breakdown: What Does “Trinity” Mean?

By Nancy Ruth / March 11, 2015 /

The legend says that St. Patrick used the shamrock to teach people in Ireland about the trinity. What exactly is the trinity and how would a shamrock help?

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Dig In Devo: How Do We Know the Bible Is True?

By Nancy Ruth / March 9, 2015 /

The Bible tells us about God and how we should live. The way we get to know more about God is by reading His Book. But how do we know we can trust the Bible?

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Dig In Devo: Why Celebrate Easter?

By Nancy Ruth / March 2, 2015 /

How does your family celebrate Resurrection Sunday? Why do we do all of these things each year?

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Lost Your Passion?

By Nancy Ruth / February 3, 2015 /

Has your life lost the joy and focus it once had? Revelation opens with reminders of God’s greatness along with specific words to seven early churches. The church at Ephesus was commended for their dedication and commitment to following God’s commands and living right, no matter what. “But I have this against you, that you…

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