How to Grow in Wisdom and Faith

By Roger Bailey / February 24, 2016 /

This is a Bible study I did recently in my jail ministry. This study is also a good family Bible study. Paul was in prison because of his ministry for Christ. While there he continually prayed for the many churches he had established.   His concern for the saints in Ephesus was their lack of growth…

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Should Women Vote for Women Just Because They Are Women?

By Nancy Ruth / February 17, 2016 /

Is your family following the presidential candidate race? There are a lot of great opportunities to teach kids a biblical worldview as you hear the latest news. What is a worldview? Worldview is like a pair of glasses that help you make sense of the world around you. It is the sum total of your…

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What are the Spiritual Gifts? Part 2: Gifts of Service

By Nancy Ruth / January 27, 2016 /

What are the spiritual gifts? How does a person get one or more spiritual gifts? How do spiritual gifts work? Over the next few weeks we’re going to look closer at some of these spiritual gifts. Remember, many spiritual gifts are things that God wants all Christians (Christ-followers) to do. Those with a spiritual gift…

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My “Thorn in the Flesh”

By Nancy Ruth / January 20, 2016 /

This week in Sunday School, my second graders participated in a rather unusual side-note discussion. They were concerned that their teacher (me) was no longer able to use her legs. NOTE: If you are looking for the spiritual gifts blog, don’t give up. I am still working on it. Keep reading and you’ll understand the…

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Is There An Age Limit for Spiritual Gifts?

By Nancy Ruth / January 15, 2016 /

This question is not often voiced, but we see it lived out so many places. Children are shunted aside until they are “old enough.” Retirees and Senior adults are dismissed as “out of touch,” “past their prime,” or “old fashioned.” Neither attitude is biblical. Today we’ll specifically address the first one.  (See 1 Corinthians 9:24-27…

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Christianity in a Fallen World

By Roger Bailey / January 13, 2016 /

We best use our spiritual gifts when we are connected with God through a personal relationship with Him, prayer, Bible study, and fellowship with other believers. Did you know that Jesus prayed for that very thing for you and your family? What happens when you live as Jesus prayed? How do we live out our…

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What are the Spiritual Gifts? Part 1: Teaching Gifts

By Nancy Ruth / January 11, 2016 /

What are the spiritual gifts? How does a person get one or more spiritual gifts? How do spiritual gifts work? Over the next few weeks we’re going to look closer at some of these spiritual gifts. What are spiritual gifts? When one turns away from sin and trusts Jesus as his or her Lord and…

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5 Steps to Discovering Your Spiritual Gifts

By Nancy Ruth / January 8, 2016 /

Christian, you have been given at least one spiritual gift so you can partner with other Christ-followers to continue God’s work here on earth. Do you know what your gift is? Are you using it? How do I know what my spiritual gift is? If you have truly repented of your sin and asked Jesus…

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“Did God Mess Up When He Made Me?”

By Nancy Ruth / January 4, 2016 /

What goals did you make for 2016? What New Year’s resolutions did you make? Did you look at how you can serve better God this year? This month we’ll be looking closer at spiritual gifts and how they should be used. First though, we need to look at a question many people ask themselves. “Did…

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How to Be Humble, Part 3

By Nancy Ruth / January 1, 2016 /

Happy New Year! What are your goals for 2016 or your New Year’s resolutions? Have you considered asking God to make you more humble? Today we are wrapping up our look at Philippians 2:1-11. Monday we talked about the importance of living a humble life. Wednesday we talked specifically about pride. Today let’s look at…

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