My Journey

By Sheila Hamlin / May 8, 2017 /

Once I finally acknowledged my death, I figured out the purpose for my life. I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.…

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So what? Why does it matter?

By Nancy Ruth / May 1, 2017 /

So what? Why does what you’re teaching matter? Kids ask this question all the time. All teachers need to consider the answer when they prepare to teach. This includes VBS teachers, family Bible study leaders, Children’s Ministers, homeschool moms and dads, Sunday school teachers, AWANA leaders, church volunteers, childcare workers, and nursery workers. I led a…

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Are We Prepared?

By Roger Bailey / April 24, 2017 /

What would you do if someone verbally attacked you for your faith in Christ? How should we respond or should we even be concerned about such possibilities? Let’s explore the Bible together for direction/answers to these questions. “Finally, all of you, live in harmony with one another; be sympathetic, love as brothers [and sisters], be compassionate and…

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How to Minister to the Grieving

By Nancy Ruth / April 10, 2017 /

Grief is a tricky thing. You’re doing ok and then it sneaks up on you. How do you minister to the grieving? When I lost my sister in early 2003, my whole world fell apart. God had to drag me out of the deep pit I fell into. You can read that story here. This time…

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Getting By or Giving Our Best?

By Roger Bailey / March 27, 2017 /

Why should I do my best when I can get by with doing less?  Giving my best would require giving more time and energy towards the project goals, which would take away time and energy available for ”enjoying life.”  Does anyone struggle with time management and priorities besides me?  This blog is written for me,…

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4 Tips for New Bible Study Leaders

By Nancy Ruth / March 6, 2017 /

What do you need to know when starting to lead Sunday school, kids programs, family worship, family devotionals, or family Bible study? Last week the high school juniors and seniors of my church were guest teachers in my second grade children’s Sunday school class. In preparation, I led a mini-training for the high school students to get them…

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If I lived in a Dr. Seuss book…

By Nancy Ruth / February 27, 2017 /

It’s Dr. Seuss Week with Read Across America Day this Thursday! Yes, I’m excited. I love Dr. Seuss books! They are so much fun to read and imagine, even without the great pictures. With this focus on reading and Dr. Seuss in particular, I got to thinking. What if I was a character in a Dr.…

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3 Tips for At-Home Family Bible Study

By Nancy Ruth / February 13, 2017 /

Do you know the importance of family worship and Bible study but are not sure how to start? Have your family worship and Bible study become stale? How do you engage your kids and make your family worship and Bible study fun? 1. Find a regular time and stick to it. Schedule it like a…

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Faith in Action… by Kids!

By Nancy Ruth / January 30, 2017 /

Isn’t it a joy when we see glimpses of Jesus working in young hearts? I’ve been inspired lately by my dad (Roger) and other blogs I have been reading to take some of the pressure off blogging. Instead of writing lessons each week, I’m going to try sharing what I’ve been learning and what has inspired…

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Look Back to Look Ahead

By Roger Bailey / January 8, 2017 /

Do you want your prayers and life to have a greater impact? A bit of history can change today’s world too. You all probably already know that Mary (my wife and Nancy Ruth’s mother) passed away on November 29th of last year.  This has led me to reflect on events in my earlier life and…

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