GUEST POST: Nowhere Else to Go

By Nancy Ruth / September 10, 2018 /

NOTE: This week’s blog is a “Sermonette” which was originally published in The Tonkawa News Aug. 30, 2018. I liked it so much that I called Dr. Cope to ask if I could share it with you all. He graciously agreed. Nowhere Else to Go by Dr. Glen Cope, Tonkawa Church of Christ We live…

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The Secret to Family Bible Study

By Nancy Ruth / August 27, 2018 /

Have you ever tried to start a new habit? It’s not as easy as it sounds. Working Unused Muscles My Dad and I are trying to start several new habits this year. One goal is to be more consistent with exercise. We got a little lax over the summer months, and it shows. Today was…

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A Breath of Prayer

By Nancy Ruth / August 13, 2018 /

Sometimes, when life gets crazy, it’s time to breathe a prayer. My mother was an amazing woman. I never knew how she kept it all straight, but she was always busy with something or other and seemed to be involved in everything. She directed the church choir, the elementary school choir, taught private music lessons,…

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Why Christian families should equip their children to wrestle with Scientific Questions

By Nancy Ruth / May 8, 2018 /

Someone recently asked me if Parent Road Ministries teaches Creationism. This is a hot topic for many and a valid question. Parent Road Ministries is a non-denominational ministry committed to teaching God’s Word to children and families in a loving, but uncompromised way. We teach that God made all things. We do not say how.…

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“The church is full of hypocrites!”

By Nancy Ruth / April 29, 2018 /

“The church is full of hypocrites!” How would you answer someone (or yourself) in the face of this objection? The same objection may be voiced a number of ways. “I like Jesus, just not the church. It’s full of hypocrites.” “I can be a Christian and live for Christ without attending a church. It’s only…

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Parables and Perils of Air Travel

By Nancy Ruth / April 22, 2018 /

Are the parables of the Bible old and out of date? No, but in order to relate to them, we might need to think about them in our own context. As I write this, I am sitting with my dad at the gate for our flight from Louisville to Oklahoma City (by way of Charlottesville).…

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“Jesus, take my life… but not that!”

By Nancy Ruth / April 15, 2018 /

Are there parts of life where Jesus isn’t allowed? That is a question that’s come up in my reading this week and in the sermon again this morning. In America we have a tendency to think of church (or religion) as separate from the rest of life. A growing sentiment urges, “Do what you want…

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What does “love the world” mean?

By Nancy Ruth / March 31, 2018 /

Don’t you love it when kids discover the answers to their own questions? A second grade child recently asked me a great question: “What does ‘love the world’ mean?” Soon the class helped answer her question. Our Sunday school that week actually combined two lessons. (We were making up for a week church-wide Sunday school…

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Fixing Faulty Thinking

By Nancy Ruth / March 24, 2018 /

Do you struggle with negative thoughts? God’s been hammering an important truth into me over the past few weeks. I got really sick over Christmas and I think it was (at least in part) a result of stress. So, I’ve been working to address that issue the last several months. I’ve been reading Overcoming Fear,…

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Teacher strike – A unique opportunity for churches to reach kids & families.

By Nancy Ruth / March 10, 2018 /

If you live in Oklahoma, Arizona, or Kentucky, you may have a unique opportunity to share God’s love with your community and reach kids for Christ. If not, take time to read this post anyway. As you do, think of unique opportunities God may place before you and your church to minister to those around…

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