How do you worship God in the storms of life?

By Nancy Ruth / February 4, 2019 /

I had some shocking news this week. I won’t go into the details, but I am having a hard time believing that it is real. For one thing, I don’t understand the why behind it. This isn’t the first time I’ve faced a great shock in life and I’m sure it won’t be the last.…

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Whom are you trying to please?

By Nancy Ruth / December 31, 2018 /

Happy New Year! Today’s blog will be rather short, but I pray it’s one you’ll think about for much longer. Around New Year’s it’s common to think about where we’ve been and where we’re going. Here is a free a New Year’s resolution prayer for kids which does just that. Today though, let’s put a…

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40 scriptures to pray over your children

It’s here! 40 Scriptures to Pray Over Your Children

By Nancy Ruth / November 19, 2018 /

What drove Nancy Ruth to write this book? How does it work? Today’s blog answers these questions. Praying Scripture We know we should read the Scriptures (Ps 1:1-2; Matt 4:4; 2 Tim 3:16-17; Rev 1:3), but have you ever prayed God’s Word back to Him? Many of the Psalms are songs of prayer written to…

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Is Reason an Enemy to Faith?

By Nancy Ruth / November 12, 2018 /

The past couple of weeks we’ve been looking at worship. Last week we began looking at what it means to worship God with our “heart, soul, mind, and strength.” We started with the heart. This week let’s move to the mind. Christians emphasize that we are saved by God’s grace by faith alone. This is…

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What does it mean to “love God with all your heart”?

By Nancy Ruth / November 5, 2018 /

Last week we defined worship like this: “The meaning of the word ‘worship’ is to ascribe worth to something. In other words, it means to say and act like something has worth. It means to honor something, to say it is good and deserving of special attention. More than that, to worship something means to…

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Is “Biblical Meditation” an Oxymoron?

By Nancy Ruth / October 22, 2018 /

Is your life as crazy as mine? There always seems to be something out of the ordinary going on. Sometimes I feel like it’s all I can do to keep my head above water. It’s at times like this I am reminded of my desperate need to spend time in the presence of God. One…

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Success in Life

By Nancy Ruth / October 15, 2018 /

[This blog was written by Roger Bailey.] What constitutes a life well lived? What does it mean “to have success in life”? What can I do now and in the future to make my life a success? Let’s look at our life from God’s point of view. God has plans and goals for each of…

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No More Stinkin’ Thinkin’

By Nancy Ruth / October 8, 2018 /

Has it ever seemed like you’ve had the same point come up over and over again in sermons, personal Bible study, conversations, books you’re reading, and everywhere else? I call that a 2×4 – a time when God seems to be hitting you upside the head with a 2×4 piece of lumber. If that happened…

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The Day I Should Have Died

By Nancy Ruth / October 1, 2018 /

One great way to tell people about Jesus is to share what God has done in your life. Today I’d like to share the true story of a day I should have died. It’s also the day I got my “Jacob’s hip.” The Plan I think it was our third year of college (1999) when…

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Is “Sin” Really A “Four-Letter Word”?

By Nancy Ruth / September 24, 2018 /

Sin. It is a word and concept no one likes to discuss. Sin carries connotations of wrongness, punishment, and unpleasantness. Even the word “sin” has become politically incorrect. It is a “four-letter word” in many circles. Should sin be a taboo subject? If not, how would that affect parenting (or teaching) children? A Bit of…

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