How to Be Humble, Part 2

By Nancy Ruth / December 30, 2015 /

This week we are looking at Philippians 2:1-11. Monday we talked about the importance of living a humble life. Today we’re going to talk specifically about pride. Pride is the antonym, the opposite, of humility. What is pride? Why is it bad? Let’s start by reviewing our definitions. What do “pride” and “humility” mean? Humiliation –…

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How to Be Humble, Part 1

By Nancy Ruth / December 28, 2015 /

I hope you had a wonderful Christmas, whether you had a big celebration or a quiet day like my family did. If your Christmas was full of fighting and uncomfortable situations, I’m sorry. Remember, though, that Christmas is not about family. Christmas is not about getting or giving gifts. Christmas is really about Jesus. What…

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Advent: Understanding “What Child Is This?”

By Nancy Ruth / December 23, 2015 /

Today we’re looking at my favorite Christmas carol: “What Child Is This?” Let’s look at some of the funny, old words in this song and at the most important thing about Christmas. (Hint: It’s not the birth of a baby.) The Song Do you know the song “What Child Is This?” Here’s a video of…

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Advent: Understanding “Little Drummer Boy”

By Nancy Ruth / December 21, 2015 /

The story of the little drummer boy is not in the Bible, but this fictional story points to an important truth. The Song Are you a fan of Pentatonix? Their version of “Little Drummer Boy” amazes me. I don’t know how a human mouth, throat, and voice can make all those complex drumming sounds. Wow!…

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How to Pray in Good Times

By Roger Bailey / December 16, 2015 /

Things are going well, everyone is happy, everyone is healthy, and our prayers have been answered. What’s next, or are we just idling along in life? How does prayer fit into our lives during good times? Early in Jesus’ ministry things were going well. He had large crowds following Him and hanging on every word…

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Is it OK to be sad at Christmas?

By Nancy Ruth / December 14, 2015 /

When you have experienced tragedy or loss, holidays can be a trigger for those memories.  It doesn’t help that everyone else around you seems to be celebrating and so happy .  Even at church the message can seem to be:  “Why aren’t you happy?  It’s Jesus’ birthday!” Is that really what God thinks?  Is it…

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Advent: Understanding “Go Tell It On The Mountain”

By Nancy Ruth / December 11, 2015 /

“Go Tell It On The Mountain” is a popular Christmas song, especially for kids. Do you ever stop to think about what it means? Why a mountain? What are we supposed to tell? What does it have to do with shepherds? The Song (with lyrics) Go, Tell It On The Mountain, Over the hills and…

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Who does Jesus look like?

By Nancy Ruth / December 7, 2015 /

Versions of this question are often tossed around when new babies are born.  “Who do you think he (or she) looks like?” Usually, the answer is mom, dad, or a mix of the two. Physical characteristics pass from generation to generation, but so do character traits and other tendencies. Do you ever wonder who Jesus…

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Christmas Game for Kids

By Nancy Ruth / December 2, 2015 /

Do you know the song “12 Days of Christmas”?  Some people wonder what all those funny things mean. The Song The Challenge Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to look through the Bible and find things that might match each number. For example, there were 12 disciples, 12 tribes of Israel, 12…

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How Do Christians Live “Inside Out”?

By Nancy Ruth / November 25, 2015 /

In the Pixar movie “Inside Out,” Fear, Disgust, Sadness, Joy, and Anger are the voices in people’s heads, helping them decide what to say and do. Whatever emotion takes control, the appropriate actions follow. Christians have another option. When Christ changes our hearts, He takes control. How does this work? What does “hypocrite” mean? A…

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