Why Do We Serve?

By Nancy Ruth / November 9, 2015 /

Why do we serve other people? What’s wrong with doing what’s right for me? Number One The world today seems to think serving yourself first is what we should do. You hear this message in sayings like, “Do what’s right for you.” “Have it your way” (Burger King). “Take care of number one [meaning yourself…

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What Does “Christian Walk” Mean?

By Nancy Ruth / November 6, 2015 /

Have you heard the phrase “Christian walk” or “walk with Christ”? Do you know what it means? Phrases like this come from Bible passages like Acts 4:13. Blue-Collar Bible Scholars? Peter and John were fishermen. They were not Bible scholars. They probably went to basic school in the temple beginning at age six or seven.…

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Unknown Reach

By Nancy Ruth / November 4, 2015 /

Over and over I am reminded that we never really know the full impact we have on others. Do you find that too? This week I had the opportunity to meet with a group of elementary teachers at a public school what I do. One of my goals was to share ways their students could…

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The Family of God

By Nancy Ruth / November 2, 2015 /

Thanksgiving is just around the corner. Traditionally this holiday means food, family, friends, and football. This is also a great time to thank God for ways He’s blessed you. The Family of God One of those ways is by providing the church as an adoptive family for you. How does this work? When we ask…

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Reformation Day – Oct. 31, 1517

By Nancy Ruth / October 30, 2015 /

Image © Depositphotos.com/ londondeposit Did you know there is more to October 31 than pumpkins, fall festivals, dressing up, trunk-or-treats, Halloween, and candy? Some people call October 31 Reformation Day because of what happened on that day in 1517. Reformation is the big name used to describe the period of history when different Christian denominations…

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Take the Family Church Challenge

By Nancy Ruth / October 28, 2015 /

Next time you’re at church, look around. How many people do you know who sit near you? How about those across the room? Church is the family of God. Believers are brothers and sisters in Christ. God designed the church to support, encourage, and correct one another in love. How often do we actually act…

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The Pumpkin Gospel for Kids

By Nancy Ruth / October 26, 2015 /

Did you know pumpkins can teach us about Jesus? One of the things I love about this time of year is driving around and looking at the way people decorate their homes. I’m not a big fan of the scary houses (yes, I’m 36 and I still get nightmares), but I like the creativity, fall…

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Our Newest Team Member Is…

By Nancy Ruth / October 23, 2015 /

Meet Amy Womble, our new Public Relations Liaison. Update: Amy has resigned her post as Public Relations Liaison. We pray God blesses her and her family in her new endeavor. Amy was raised in a home where God was discussed every day. Her parents were very involved in the church for most of her childhood.…

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An Impossible Situation

By Nancy Ruth / October 21, 2015 /

Did you know that my call to the ministry (which includes my work with Parent Road Ministries) began with an impossible situation?

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GUEST POST: Living for Christ

By Nancy Ruth / October 19, 2015 /

What does it mean to live in a way that pleases God? Parent Road Ministries team member Roger Bailey shares from his heart. Who is Roger Bailey? Roger is an United States Marine Corp veteran. He graduated from South Dakota State University with a master of science degree in electrical engineering. His engineering career spanned several…

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The PRM E-Team is a growing community of families and children's leaders who want to see kids living for Jesus. If you want regular encouragement, family Bible studies, exclusive freebies, resources, and behind the scenes happenings, join us because ONLY the E-Team receives these exclusives!

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