Christmas Game for Kids

By Nancy Ruth / December 2, 2015 /

Do you know the song “12 Days of Christmas”?  Some people wonder what all those funny things mean. The Song The Challenge Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to look through the Bible and find things that might match each number. For example, there were 12 disciples, 12 tribes of Israel, 12…

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What Is Your Favorite Part of Christmas?

By Nancy Ruth / November 30, 2015 /

What is your favorite part of Christmas? I seem to be asking that a lot this year as I am getting to know new kids and adults in the area.  I’ve heard some surprising answers too: Spending time with family (from adults, teens, and kids). Handing out gifts to people in the hospital (from a…

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Advent: Understanding “O Come Emmanuel”

By Nancy Ruth / November 27, 2015 /

Some of the Christmas carols we sing mean more than you may have realized. For instance, “O Come, O Come Emmanuel” talks about “ransoming Israel.” What does that mean? Gather up the family, settle in, and think with me for a bit about the advent, the coming, of Jesus. Click here for a shorter family…

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How Do Christians Live “Inside Out”?

By Nancy Ruth / November 25, 2015 /

In the Pixar movie “Inside Out,” Fear, Disgust, Sadness, Joy, and Anger are the voices in people’s heads, helping them decide what to say and do. Whatever emotion takes control, the appropriate actions follow. Christians have another option. When Christ changes our hearts, He takes control. How does this work? What does “hypocrite” mean? A…

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Peek Inside The Small-Group Guide

By Nancy Ruth / November 23, 2015 /

Is it biblical to “follow your heart”? Why or why not? Today I want to share with you an excerpt from The Answer Book: Small-Group Guide. This is actually two small-group guides in one. The first part is for groups of children or multi-generational groups. The excerpt below is from the second part, written for…

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How to Love God with All of You

By Nancy Ruth / November 20, 2015 /

Does your church sing the hymn (song) “Now Thank We All Our God” around Thanksgiving time? It is one of my favorites. As you listen to the video below, listen for some reasons we have to thank God. (Click this link for the lyrics only.) This hymn begins by saying, “Now thank we all our…

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How Kids Can Help People in Crisis

By Nancy Ruth / November 18, 2015 /

How should Christians respond to tragedies like the Paris attacks? What can kids do to help?

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How to Pray with Joy

By Roger Bailey / November 16, 2015 /

Note from Nancy Ruth: The terrorist attack on Paris resonates strongly with me. We live and work in Oklahoma which was attacked on April 19, 1995. Several good friends of mine were at the Wedgwood Church shooting September 16, 1999. I had family working in New York City on September 11, 2001. I had family…

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Peek Inside The Answer Book

By Nancy Ruth / November 13, 2015 /

Have you ever told someone the truth, but they didn’t believe you? Today I want to share with you an excerpt from The Answer Book: A Devotional for Busy Families. This is one of the shorter, optional days (Week 2, Day 6, page 23) . I hope it blesses you and spurs good discussion in…

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Operation Next Generation

By Nancy Ruth / November 11, 2015 /

Did you know it takes only one generation for faith to be lost? A scary thought, isn’t it? The Faithful Generation Just before crossing into the Promised Land, Joshua charged the people to choose once and for all who they would serve. Now therefore fear the Lord and serve him in sincerity and in faithfulness.…

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