Faith In Hard Times, Part 2

By Roger Bailey / October 9, 2017 /

Listening to Dr. Charles Stanley’s daily devotionals this past spring, has reminded me of my late daughter’s powerful testimony during her last few months of life here on earth. Last week we looked at how to have peace in hard times. The second series of devotionals made me think about my dark times during Ronna’s…

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Faith In Hard Times, part 1

By Roger Bailey / October 2, 2017 /

Listening to Dr. Charles Stanley’s daily devotionals this past spring has reminded me of my late daughter’s powerful testimony during her last few months of life here on earth.  Yes, God can use even hard experiences to strengthen our faith and our walk with our Lord. Dr. Stanley’s In Touch Ministry has daily devotionals on…

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Importance of Prayer

By Roger Bailey / September 11, 2017 /

Is Prayer Really Important? Do I really need to pray often?  How important is praying to my Christian walk? What should be included in my prayers?  Let’s explore scripture for answers. Jesus teaches about prayer. Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be…

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Faith in the Face of Harvey

By Nancy Ruth / August 29, 2017 /

Why do bad things happen? How should we pray in the face of tragedy? If you haven’t heard, Hurricane Harvey has been wrecking destruction on the Gulf Coast. My sister and her family live in Houston. I got word Sunday that my sister (a flight attendant) was unable to fly home from Rio. The Houston…

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Resources for Teachers

By Nancy Ruth / May 29, 2017 /

I’m a big proponent of life-long learning. I know I don’t know everything and I’ve heard senior adults say the same thing about themselves. It’s Scriptural too. Ephesians 4:14-16 (ESV) 14 so that we may no longer be children, tossed to and fro by the waves and carried about by every wind of doctrine, by human cunning,…

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What to Expect This Summer

By Nancy Ruth / May 22, 2017 /

What are some fun ways you can keep kids thinking about spiritual matters this summer? We have some ideas. Hello, everybody! Are you glad summer is here? Part of me says “YES!” while part of me says “Already?!” I know I’m not alone. I have three big announcements today. ANNOUNCEMENT #1 – No Blog This…

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Plan More Than You Think You’ll Need

By Nancy Ruth / May 15, 2017 /

How do you avoid facing the “Uh-oh! Now what?” situation? Plan ahead, come prepared, and have backup activities. This question applies to family Bible study leaders, Children’s Ministers, homeschool moms and dads, Sunday school teachers, AWANA leaders, church volunteers, childcare workers, and nursery workers. I led a breakout during a children’s ministry leader training at my church the…

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My Journey

By Sheila Hamlin / May 8, 2017 /

Once I finally acknowledged my death, I figured out the purpose for my life. I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.…

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So what? Why does it matter?

By Nancy Ruth / May 1, 2017 /

So what? Why does what you’re teaching matter? Kids ask this question all the time. All teachers need to consider the answer when they prepare to teach. This includes VBS teachers, family Bible study leaders, Children’s Ministers, homeschool moms and dads, Sunday school teachers, AWANA leaders, church volunteers, childcare workers, and nursery workers. I led a…

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Are We Prepared?

By Roger Bailey / April 24, 2017 /

What would you do if someone verbally attacked you for your faith in Christ? How should we respond or should we even be concerned about such possibilities? Let’s explore the Bible together for direction/answers to these questions. “Finally, all of you, live in harmony with one another; be sympathetic, love as brothers [and sisters], be compassionate and…

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