How to Grow in Wisdom and Faith

By Roger Bailey / February 24, 2016 /

This is a Bible study I did recently in my jail ministry. This study is also a good family Bible study. Paul was in prison because of his ministry for Christ. While there he continually prayed for the many churches he had established.   His concern for the saints in Ephesus was their lack of growth…

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Christianity in a Fallen World

By Roger Bailey / January 13, 2016 /

We best use our spiritual gifts when we are connected with God through a personal relationship with Him, prayer, Bible study, and fellowship with other believers. Did you know that Jesus prayed for that very thing for you and your family? What happens when you live as Jesus prayed? How do we live out our…

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How to Pray in Good Times

By Roger Bailey / December 16, 2015 /

Things are going well, everyone is happy, everyone is healthy, and our prayers have been answered. What’s next, or are we just idling along in life? How does prayer fit into our lives during good times? Early in Jesus’ ministry things were going well. He had large crowds following Him and hanging on every word…

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How to Pray with Joy

By Roger Bailey / November 16, 2015 /

Note from Nancy Ruth: The terrorist attack on Paris resonates strongly with me. We live and work in Oklahoma which was attacked on April 19, 1995. Several good friends of mine were at the Wedgwood Church shooting September 16, 1999. I had family working in New York City on September 11, 2001. I had family…

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