Are You Really Giving Your Best?

By Nancy Ruth / October 16, 2015 /

In our family, the standard which children must achieve for school grades is “your best.” The actual grade varies slightly depending on the child and the subject, but the question is always asked: “Was this your best?” The answer (and its honesty) determines whether the grade is acceptable or not. I’ve been struck lately in my…

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What does “awesome” really mean?

By Nancy Ruth / October 12, 2015 /

For a while now, the word “awesome” has been used to describe pretty much anything good. “That was awesome, dude!” What was awesome? A meal? A belly flop into a pool? Was it really “awesome”? You tell me. What does “awesome” mean? The word “awesome” actually means to inspire awe. Awe is supposed to leave…

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How to Keep Kids Quiet in Big Church

By Nancy Ruth / October 7, 2015 /

One of the biggest fears and struggles parents of young children face is what to do with a squirmy, loud child during the worship service. How do you keep kids quiet so they don’t disrupt the service? A few weeks ago I just had to encourage a mom of a young four year old. It…

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Does Prayer Really Work?

By Nancy Ruth / September 23, 2015 /

Image (c) Have you ever wondered if God really hears your prayers? If He really answers prayer? How to Pray Jesus prayed quite a bit. If you read through the gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John), notice how many times Jesus gets away to pray or prays where others can hear Him. Jesus’ disciples…

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Come Ready to Worship

By Nancy Ruth / September 18, 2015 /

When it is time to go to church, are you excited and ready to go or do you drag your feet, thinking of a boring morning ahead? Did you know there are some things you can do to turn the worship service from a boring chore to complete to a time you can really worship…

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What Does “Honor” Mean?

By Nancy Ruth / September 16, 2015 /

In Sunday school lately, we’ve been talking about honor. We hear that word a lot, but do we really know what it means? Let’s look at some of the ways the word honor is used. Honor means to respect and obey. “Honor your father and mother…” (Exodus 20:12). In this case, honor means to respect and obey.…

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Are They Really Bible “Stories”?

By Nancy Ruth / September 9, 2015 /

A few weeks ago, I helped my sister decorate her public school classroom. Each year, her school picks a fun theme that the teachers use to decorate their rooms, doors, and hallways. It is so much fun walking the hallways just before school starts to see what each teacher has done. As part of this…

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Why Do We Go To Church?

By Nancy Ruth / August 31, 2015 /

Have you ever wondered what makes church so important? Why do we go to church? The church is God’s family. What are some things your family likes to do together? Do you eat together? What are some things you do together? Do you know each other pretty well? Why do you think that may be?…

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Is Sunday Worship Really Important?

By Nancy Ruth / August 26, 2015 /

The fact is that too many kids graduate from high school and leave the church. It seems like ages from now, but did you know there are things you can begin doing now that will help your child transition to plugging in to church when he or she is off on his or her own?…

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PODCAST: Children and Religion

By Nancy Ruth / August 24, 2015 /

Did you miss Nancy Ruth’s live interview with Dr. Stacy of “Parenting Tips 2 Go“? Check out the podcast of the show by clicking here. The first discussion highlights the importance of parents starting young to teach their children about Christ and bringing them to church. The interview with Nancy Ruth discusses preparing kids to…

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