Devotionals for Busy Families

Devotional for Busy Families
Devotionals for Busy Families

Devotionals for Busy Families

The Devotional for Busy Families is written for parents, grandparents, and others who care for elementary children (keeping in mind that there may also be younger or older children in the home).

Each family Bible study and small-group guide focuses on developing a biblical worldview or teaching theology (the study of God) for kids. Our goal is to equip busy families to live for Christ where they are every single day.

Special features of the Devotional for Busy Families include:

  • Weekly topics broken into five days of family study with two optional shorter days.  The goal is to do at least five full days every week, but life happens and the study can be adjusted.
  • Weekly On the Road Family Challenges: Put into practice the things you are learning.
  • Daily “Want More?” box:  Suggested extra reading for those who wish to study the topic further.
  • Daily Weapon Check:  Breaks memory verses into doable chunks even busy family members and younger children can manage.

These family Bible studies are designed to partner with the Small-Group Guide, but they may also stand alone.