Public Speaking

Click here for more information about Family Discipleship Weekends.

Are you looking for a children's camp pastor? A conference breakout leader? A retreat speaker? A guest speaker for the children of your church?

I (Nancy) love teaching kids how to live for Christ! I'd love to come share my heart with your kids. To schedule me to speak for your group, shoot me an email using the form below.

Who is Nancy Ruth?

Nancy Ruth at camp 2

Possible Settings

  • Children's Camp Pastor
  • Conference Breakouts
  • Special Events
  • Kids Church
  • Sunday School
  • Sunday nights
  • Wednesday nights
  • Homeschool co-ops

Possible Topics

  • Apologetics (What is apologetics?)
  • Big Bible words
  • How to grow in Christ and live out your faith
  • Grief
  • How kids can disciple other kids
  • How to teach kids

Keep in mind that my primary calling is to teach kids. If it's an adult group, my talk would advise how to talk with kids about the topic at hand.

Event photo album


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