Limited-Time Enrollment Closes In


Family Bible Studies for Mixed Ages

Reading the Bible and praying together regularly as a family are two of the most important things you can do to help your child develop a life-long faith. (Here are the others.) Finding the time can be challenging, but if we make it the top priority in our day, God takes care of the rest. (Learn more here.)

Our heart is to provide a library of Family Bible Study email series that work through sections or books of Scripture and will always be FREE. We will continue to add new series as we finish them.

These are great for mixed ages! Gather the whole family to do it together.

Limited-Time Enrollment Dates

Open enrollment occurs every 10 or 11 weeks. You may only enroll in one series at a time. At any point, you may opt out of these emails or switch to the current series.

  • Mar. 8 - 15
  • May 24 - 31
  • Aug. 2 - 9
  • Oct. 11 - 18
  • Dec. 29 - Jan. 4

Options Available

Here are the options available for the next limited-time enrollment. New series may be added up to the day enrollment opens.

How This Works

We are following the "How to Study the Bible" guide but spreading it over five days. Each day should take 15-20 minutes to do with your family. The sixth day is a time to pray together. On the seventh day, I recommend you discuss what you learned at church.

Weekly emails (with everything below) go out on Mondays.

  • Day 1: Review
  • Day 2: Read
  • Day 3: Meditate (think about it)
  • Day 4: Study (video link)
  • Day 5: Apply (incl. memory verse)
  • Day 6: Pray
  • Day 7: Church (talk about it)

Click here to learn more about what to expect and how to adapt these lessons for your family.

Unless you enroll in a Lenten (pre-Resurrection Sunday) or Advent (pre-Christmas) series, there will be a special email for Holy Week and the week of Christmas, which may be the same each year. Your chosen Family Bible Study Series will resume after that.

View a sample email.


When you enroll, you will receive a welcome email. If you are a new subscriber, you will also receive a thank-you gift and learn more about Parent Road Ministries. Family Bible Study Series emails go out on Mondays. You may opt out of these emails at any time.

If you submit this form outside the limited-time enrollment dates, you will be registered for the current series. You will also receive an email when enrollment opens.

Privacy Policy

Other Options

If you're looking for a more topical Bible study or an apologetic one (explaining and defending what Christians believe), check out the options available in our store.