What makes Christianity unique? Aren’t all religions basically the same?

UNIQUE is a Family Discipleship Weekend, similar to a youth DNow but designed for entire families. Bring the preschoolers, children, youth, and adults you love as we mix study with games, meals, and service projects.

When is it?  UNIQUE can be scheduled any time of year. It is designed to be a Friday evening, all day Saturday, & a sharing time. Download a schedule below.

Where is it?  At your church, event center, apartment complex, school, homeschool co-op, or wherever else you group meets.

Why should we do this?  To grow in our faith, stand strong in the face of opposition, and better witness to others.

Who is invited?  Families of all shapes and sizes (including babies, preschool, children, youth, adults, and seniors).

Who teaches and leads this event?  The Parent Road Ministries team will come teach the workshops, discussions, and lessons. Hosts are asked to be part of panel discussions and lead a few games as outlined in the Information Packet below.

How will we do all of that?  Through lessons, workshops, & discussions sprinkled with games, food, service projects, & fun.

How much does it cost?  Parent Road Ministries does not charge for this service. Host churches and groups are asked to provide the advertising, food, and supplies needed for this event. Love offerings are appreciated.

How do I schedule a UNIQUE event? Contact us using the form below and a Parent Road Ministries team member will be in touch.


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Want to learn more? Contact us.